Use the Reporting API


Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:37am


The Reporting API notation here does not include the authorization information that is passed with every request. All Reporting API requests require that you specify these parameters and values as your user information.

userIf you set up one or more additional users on the account, this value is the ID of the user authorized to process transactions. If, however, you have not set up additional users on the account, user has the same value as vendor.
vendorYour merchant login ID that you created when you registered for the Payflow account.
partnerThe ID provided to you by the authorized PayPal Reseller who registered you for the Payflow service. If you purchased your account directly from PayPal, use PayPal.
passwordThe 6 to 32-character password that you defined while registering for the account.

Responses include the following information:

  • All responses return a base response consisting of a response code (responseCode) and a response message (responseMsg).
  • Most responses return applicable response parameter data.
  • Some responses return a status code (statusCode) and a status message (statusMsg).

Run reports

You can run reports and obtain the report data right away. If, however, running a report takes more than the time allotted, the report is run offline, and you must periodically check for the report data.

To run a report:

  1. Call runReportRequest, providing the following parameter information.

      reportNameName of the report, for example, DailyActivityReport.
      reportParam(s)(Optional) and for each request input param to be assigned a value.
      pageSizeNumber of rows of data per page. Default is 50.

      The runReportResponse returns the reportId. The reportId is used to refer to the particular report in future requests. The reportId returned is valid for up to 120 days.

    1. Call getMetaDataRequest, providing the ReportId returned when the report was run, to get the metadata.


        getMetaDataResponse returns the following data.

        numberOfRowsTotal number of rows.
        numberOfPagesTotal number of pages in the report.
        pageSizePage size.
        numberOfColumnsTotal number of columns.
        dataNameName of each column.
        dataTypeType of column data, for example, string.
      1. Call getDataRequest with the following parameters to get the report.

          reportIdID for this report returned by runReportRequest; reportId is valid for up to 120 days.
          pageNumReport page number containing data to be returned.

          Data is returned for the report page specified by pageNum. To obtain the data in a multi-page report, you must call getDataRequest for each report page.

        Run reports offline

        When a report takes longer to run than the time allotted, it is taken offline and status code 2, “ Report is currently executing, ” is returned. You must check for the results at a later time.

        1. Request to run a report by calling runReportRequest.

            reportNameName of the report, for example, DailyActivityReport.
            reportParam(s)(Optional) and for each request input param to be assigned a value.
            pageSizeNumber of rows of data per page. Default is 50.

            The report times out. The ReportId and status code 2 are returned.

          1. Get the report results later by calling getResultsRequest, providing the reportId as a parameter.


              getResultsResponse returns a statusCode and statusMsg. Call getResultsResponse in a loop until statusCode 3, “ Report has completed successfully, ” is returned.

            1. Request to get the report ’ s metadata by calling getMetaDataRequest.


                getMetaDataResponse returns the following data.

                numberOfRowsTotal number of rows.
                numberOfPagesTotal number of pages in the report.
                pageSizePage size.
                numberOfColumnsTotal number of columns.
                dataNameName of each column.
                dataTypeType of column data, for example, string.
              1. Request to get the report data by calling getDataRequest.

                  reportIdID for this report returned by runReportRequest; reportId is valid for up to 120 days.
                  pageNumReport page number containing data to be returned.

                  Data is returned for the report page specified by pageNum. To obtain the data in a multi-page report, you must call getDataRequest for each report page.

                Manage report templates

                Using the Reporting API, you can create, update, and delete report templates.

                Create a report template

                To create a report template, call createTemplateRequest with the following parameters.

                  templateNameName that you are giving to the report template.
                  reportNameStandard report from which you are creating the report template.
                  reportParam(s)paramName and paramValue of each reportParam to be assigned a value.

                  The response to creating a report template returns a respCode and respMsg.

                  Update a report template

                  To update a report template, call the updateTemplateRequest with the following parameters.

                    templateNameName given to the report template when it was created.
                    reportParam(s)paramName and paramValue of each reportParam to be assigned a value.

                    The response to updating a report template returns a respCode and respMsg.

                    Delete a report template

                    To delete a report template, call deleteTemplateRequest, providing the templateName as the input parameter.


                      The response to deleting a report template returns a respCode and respMsg.

                      Using report templates

                      Report templates are run like any standard report. They can also be scheduled to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Report template schedules can be updated or deleted.

                      Run a report template

                      To run a report template and obtain the report template data:

                      1. Call runReportRequest with the following parameters.

                          templateNameName given to the report template when it was created.
                          reportParam(s)(Optional) paramName and paramValue for each reportParam that you want to assign a value to. These parameters can be ones previously saved in the report template or additional ones. The parameter values take precedence over the values previously saved for the parameters in the report template.
                          pageSizeNumber of rows of data per page. Default is 50.
                        1. Request to get the report’s metadata by calling getMetaDataRequest.


                            getMetaDataResponse returns the following data.

                            numberOfRowsTotal number of rows.
                            numberOfPagesTotal number of pages in the report.
                            pageSizePage size.
                            numberOfColumnsTotal number of columns.
                            dataNameName of each column.
                            dataTypeType of column data, for example, string.
                          1. Request to get the report data by calling getDataRequest.

                              reportIdID for this report returned by runReportRequest; reportId is valid for up to 120 days.
                              pageNumReport page number containing data to be returned.

                              Data is returned for the report page specified by pageNum. To obtain the data in a multi-page report, you must call getDataRequest for each report page.

                            Schedule a report template

                            You can schedule a report template to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The Reporting API includes functionality to create schedules and to get the results of a scheduled report template.

                            1. Create a schedule for a report template, call createScheduleRequest with the following parameters.

                                scheduleNameName that you give to the schedule.
                                templateNameName of the report template to be scheduled.
                                scheduleOne of these values:
                                • daily.
                                • weekly. Select dayOfWeek value: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
                                • monthly. Specify dayOfMonth value as an integer from 1 to 31. If you specify 30 when the month is 28 days long, the value is corrected to 28.
                              1. To get the results of a scheduled report template that is run, call getScheduleRequest with scheduleName as a parameter.


                                  getScheduleResponse returns all the reportIds and execution dates of the reports that were run on the schedule.

                                1. For each report, call getMetaDataRequest, passing in the reportId as a parameter, to get the information on how that report is formatted.


                                    getMetaDataResponse returns the following data.

                                    numberOfRowsTotal number of rows.
                                    numberOfPagesTotal number of pages in the report.
                                    pageSizePage size.
                                    numberOfColumnsTotal number of columns.
                                    dataNameName of each column.
                                    dataTypeType of column data, for example, string.
                                  1. Request to get the report data for each report that was run by calling getDataRequest.

                                      reportIdID for this report returned by runReportRequest; reportId is valid for up to 120 days.
                                      pageNumReport page number containing data to be returned.

                                      Data is returned for the report page specified by pageNum. To obtain the data in a multi-page report, you must call getDataRequest for each report page.

                                    Manage report template schedules

                                    Using the Reporting API, you can update and delete report template schedules.

                                    Update a schedule

                                    To update a schedule, call the updateScheduleRequest with the following parameters.

                                      scheduleNameName that you give to the schedule.
                                      templateNameName of the report template to be scheduled.
                                      scheduleOne of these values:
                                      • daily.
                                      • weekly. Select dayOfWeek value: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
                                      • monthly. Specify dayOfMonth value as an integer from 1 to 31. If you specify 30 when the month is 28 days long, the value is corrected to 28.

                                      The response to updating a schedule returns a respCode and respMsg.

                                      Delete a schedule

                                      To delete a schedule, call deleteScheduleRequest, providing the scheduleName as the input parameter.


                                        The response to deleting a schedule returns a respCode and respMsg.

                                        Performing API Searches

                                        Using the Reporting API, you can search for transaction data by any of the following search names.

                                        • TransactionIDSearch
                                        • BatchIDSearch
                                        • AccountNumberSearch
                                        • CommentSearch
                                        • AccountNumberRefSearch
                                        • PurchaseOrderSearch
                                        • RecurringBillingProfileIDSearch
                                        • RecurringBillingProfileNameSearch
                                        • RecurringBillingAccountNumberSearch
                                        • RecurringBillingCommentSearch
                                        • RecurringBillingAmountSearch

                                        To run a search request:

                                        1. Call runSearchRequest with the following parameters.

                                            searchNameOne of the search names listed above, for example, TransactionIDSearch.
                                            reportParam(s)paramName and paramValue of one or more input parameters for this search. See Report Parameters for the required and optional parameters.
                                            pageSizeNumber of rows of data per page. Default is 50.

                                          The runSearchResponse object returns the reportId for this search and the statusCode and statusMsg. The reportId returned is valid for up to 120 days.

                                          1. Request to get the search metadata by calling getMetaDataRequest.


                                              getMetaDataResponse returns the following data.

                                              numberOfRowsTotal number of rows.
                                              numberOfPagesTotal number of pages in the report.
                                              pageSizePage size.
                                              numberOfColumnsTotal number of columns.
                                              dataNameName of each column.
                                              dataTypeType of column data, for example, string.
                                            1. Request to get the search data by calling getDataRequest.

                                                reportIdID for this report returned by runReportRequest; reportId is valid for up to 120 days.
                                                pageNumReport page number containing data to be returned.

                                                Data is returned for the report page specified by pageNum. To obtain the data in a multi-page report, you must call getDataRequest for each report page.

                                              Response and Status Codes

                                              Response Codes

                                              Response codes indicate the success or failure of a Reporting request. The table below describes the supported response codes and messages returned with each.

                                              Response CodeResponse Message
                                              100Request has completed successfully
                                              101Request has failed
                                              102An internal scheduler error has occurred
                                              103Unknown report requested
                                              104Invalid Report ID
                                              105A system error has occurred
                                              106A database error has occurred
                                              107Invalid XML request
                                              108User authentication failed
                                              109Invalid report parameters provided
                                              110Invalid merchant account
                                              111Invalid page number
                                              112Template already exists
                                              113Unknown template requested

                                              Status Codes

                                              Status codes indicate the status of a report, not necessarily the status of the Reporting request to be executed. A report may fail even if a Reporting request succeeds.

                                              Status CodeStatus Message
                                              1Report has been created
                                              2Report is currently executing
                                              3Report has completed successfully
                                              4Report has failed
                                              5Report has expired
                                              6Report has expired