Braintree In-Person

The Braintree platform enables next-generation omnichannel commerce experiences across in-person, e-commerce, mobile app, and other merchant sales channels.

This documentation focuses primarily on the solutions to address the in-person components of the omnichannel payments ecosystem.

Cloud-based Reader API + Verifone P400

Modern ArchitectureAnchorIcon

The Braintree In-Person solution offers a platform-independent, cloud-based Reader API suite for the initialization and interaction of physical card readers without requiring a 1:1 direct connection from a Point of Sale (POS).

Cloud first architecture

Future-proof IntegrationAnchorIcon

The Reader can accept a broad range of current and future payment methods with a consistent interaction. The Braintree In-Person product is EMV certified and does not expose the developer or merchant to EMV or PCI scope. Future payment methods can be rolled out without changes to POS software.

  • Certified EMV Solution

  • Certified P2PE solution

  • Initialized from the Cloud

  • "Future payment method"-proof

Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) CertificationAnchorIcon

Braintree In-Person is a P2PE-certified solution and P2PE-certified application listed on the PCI Website under the name PayPal Enterprise Omni-Channel (EOC).