Save PayPal with the iOS SDK
Last updated: Mar 6th, 4:07pm
Allow customers to save their PayPal Wallet in order to eliminate the need to re-enter payment details on subsequent purchases - leading to a faster checkout experience.
Customers with a PayPal Wallet can:
- Review PayPal transactions and transaction history
- Review, add, or remove funding sources
- Review and cancel recurring payments
- Hold a balance in their PayPal account
- Use PayPal to send and receive money
- Withdraw money to a linked bank account
- Use PayPal to transact with merchants
Use cases
Businesses save payment methods if they want customers to:
- Check out without re-entering a payment method
- Pay after use, for example, ride-sharing and food delivery
See supported countries
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- China
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
- United States
Check eligibility
- Go to and sign in with your business account.
- Go to Account Settings > Payment Preferences > Save PayPal and Venmo payment methods.
- In the Save PayPal and Venmo payment methods section, select Get Started.
- When you submit profile details, PayPal reviews your eligibility to save PayPal Wallets.
- After PayPal reviews your eligibility, you'll see a status of Success, Need more information, or Denied.
How it works
PayPal encrypts payment method information and stores it in a digital vault for that customer.
- Create an order with a PayPal payment source.
- Present PayPal Web Checkout to the payer using the PayPal SDK.
- After the payer completes PayPal Web Checkout, capture or authorize the order.
- On success, store the PayPal-generated customer ID and Payment Token found in the capture or authorize response in your server-side database for future reference.
- When a customer returns to your app and is ready to check out, use the PayPal-generated payment token as a payment source when creating an order.
The checkout process for returning payers can now be made shorter by using saved payment information.
Know before you code
- This integration requires a PayPal Developer account.
- This procedure modifies an existing standard payments or advanced credit and debit card payments integration.
- Your payments integration must have a server-side capture call or a server-side authorization and capture call.
- To save payment methods, you must be able to uniquely identify payers. For example, payers create an account and log in to your site.
Complete the steps in Get started to get the
following sandbox account information from the Developer Dashboard:
- Your sandbox account login information
- Your access token
1. Set up sandbox to save payment methods
Set up your sandbox and live business accounts to save payment methods:
- Log in to the Developer Dashboard.
- Under REST API apps, select your app name.
- Under Sandbox App Settings > App Feature Options, check Accept payments.
- Expand Advanced options. Confirm that Vault is selected.
To go live, you'll need to be vetted for PayPal Wallet. You can start the vetting process from the Merchant Servicing Dashboard.
- Only your sandbox business account is enabled for vaulting payment methods. Your developer account remains unaffected.
- You'll complete production onboarding when you're ready to go live.
Tip: When prompted for data such as a phone number for the sandbox business request, enter any number that fits the required format. Since this is a sandbox request, the data doesn't have to be factual.
2. Add a button to initiate a transaction
Add a button to your app's UI to complete a purchase with PayPal:
1PayPalButton.Representable(){2// Create order server-side (see next step)3}
3. Create an order
Set up your server to call the Orders API. Set the
to paypal
and request vaulting of the
payment source when the transaction completes successfully.
Create order request
Modify the following request to create an order and initiate a vault for a PayPal payment source:
1curl -v -X POST \\2 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\\3 -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"\\4 -H "PayPal-Request-Id: REQUEST-ID"\\5 -d '{6 "intent": "CAPTURE",7 "purchase_units": [{8 "amount": {9 "currency_code": "USD",10 "value": "100.00"11 }12 }],13 "payment_source": {14 "paypal": {15 "attributes": {16 "vault": {17 "store_in_vault": "ON_SUCCESS",18 "usage_type": "MERCHANT",19 "customer_type": "CONSUMER"20 }21 },22 }23 }24 }'
Create order response
Return the id
to your client to call the payer approval flow if
the payment_source
needs payer approval.
Note: The request to save a PayPal payment source is made
when an order is created with the
property set to
. Vault details are available only after an order is
authorized or captured.
4. Start PayPal Web Checkout
Locate the id
property in the Orders API response JSON. This is
the Order ID.
Send orderId
to the iOS SDK to allow it to start PayPal Web
1func startPayPalVaultDuringPurchase(){2let order =myCreateOrderFunc(amount:10.00,vaultPaymentMethodOnSuccess:true)3let config =CoreConfig(clientID:"CLIENT_ID", payPalClient =PayPalWebCheckoutClient(config: config)5 payPalClient.delegate= self6let payPalRequest =PayPalWebCheckoutRequest(orderID:,fundingSource:.paypal)7 payPalWebCheckoutClient.start(request: payPalRequest)8}9func payPal(10_ payPalClient:PayPalWebCheckoutClient,11 didFinishWithResult result:PayPalWebCheckoutResult12){13// After the payer approves, authorize or capture the transaction on your server (see next step)14}15func payPal(16_ payPalClient:PayPalWebCheckoutClient,17 didFinishWithError error:CoreSDKError18){19// Handle error20}21func payPalDidCancel(_ payPalClient:PayPalWebCheckoutClient){22// PayPal Checkout cancelled23}
5. Authorize or capture order
After the payer approves, do one of the following on your server:
Capture the order using the Orders API if the
passed to create the order wasCAPTURE
Authorize the order using the Orders API if the
passed to create the order wasAUTHORIZE
When capture or authorization succeeds, a
is created.
Authorize order request
1curl -v -X POST \\2 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\\3 -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"\\4 -d '{}'
Capture order request
1curl -v -X POST \\2 -H "Content-Type: application/json"\\3 -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"\\4 -d '{}'
Capture order response
The HTTP response codes HTTP 2xx
or HTTP 200
returned for a successful request.
The capture is successful if the
. You can confirm with the payer that the payment has
been captured.
In the response from the authorize or capture request, the Orders v2 API interacts with the Payment Method Tokens v3 API. The Payment Method Tokens v3 API allows a PayPal Wallet to be saved. The response from the Orders v2 API contains the:
for the payment token of a recently saved PayPal Wallet.
Capture order
Save approved payment source
If the payment has been authorized or captured, the payer does not need to be
present to save a payment_source
. To keep checkout times as short
as possible, the Orders API responds as soon as payment is captured.
If the attributes.vault.status
returned after payment is
, you won't have a
yet. An example
of the attributes
object from this scenario is in the following
The Payment Method Tokens API still saves the payment source even after the Orders API returns its response and sends a webhook after the payment source is saved.
In order to retrieve a vault_id
when an
status is returned, you'll need to subscribe to the
The Payment Method Tokens API sends a webhook after the payment source is
saved. An example of the VAULT.PAYMENT-TOKEN.CREATED
payload is shown in the following sample:
1{2"id":"WH-72S4353495632143A-68K769747M133873M",3"event_version":"1.0",4"create_time":"2022-08-27T01:25:57.462Z",5"resource_type":"payment_token",6"resource_version":"3.0",7"event_type":"VAULT.PAYMENT-TOKEN.CREATED",8"summary":"A payment token has been created.",9"resource":{10"time_created":"2022-08-26T18:25:57.449PDT",11"links":[12{13"href":"",14"rel":"self",15"method":"GET",16"encType":"application/json"17},18{19"href":"",20"rel":"delete",21"method":"DELETE",22"encType":"application/json"23}24],25"id":"3nqvjt3n",26"payment_source":{27"paypal":{28"permit_multiple_payment_tokens":false,29"usage_type":"MERCHANT",30"customer_type":"CONSUMER",31"email_address":"",32"payer_id":"VTR4JYK7STE7J"33}34},35"customer":{36"id":"208743798"37}38},39"links":[40{41"href":"",42"rel":"self",43"method":"GET"44},45{46"href":"",47"rel":"resend",48"method":"POST"49}50]51}
In the previous example, the
field is the vault ID.
is the PayPal-generated customer ID.
6. Test your integration
Run the following tests in the PayPal sandbox to ensure you can save PayPal Wallets.
Save payment method
- In your app, initiate a transaction by selecting the PayPal button.
- Log in to the payer account and complete PayPal Web Checkout.
- Capture the transaction.
- Store the PayPal-generated customer ID in your system.
- Log in to sandbox with your merchant account and verify the transaction.
- Return to your app and initiate another transaction. Use the PayPal-generated payment token as a payment source.
- Verify that the transaction captures successfully without having to complete PayPal Web Checkout again.
Next steps
- Test and go live with this integration.
Change the credentials and API URLs from
when going live with your integration. -
You can
create orders without the
for subsequent or recurring transactions. - You can get a payment token, list all payment tokens, delete a payment token, and more with the Payment Method Tokens API.