Test and go live


Last updated: Feb 21st, 9:52am

You can run negative tests on your integration to manage the responses you give to your customers.

Know before you code


  • Before you trigger a simulation, you'll need to you need to get an access token.
  • Use Postman to explore and test PayPal APIs.

Simulation methods

To trigger a simulation for the Payouts API, use a JSON pointer in the request payload or use a path parameter in the request URI.

Use a JSON pointer in the request payload

Trigger Test value Simulated response

JSON pointer request

    1curl -X POST https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payouts \
    2 -H "content-type: application/json" \
    3 -H "Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>" \
    4 -d '{
    5 "sender_batch_header":
    6 {
    7 "sender_batch_id": "1524086406556",
    8 "email_subject": "This email is related to simulation"
    9 },
    10 "items": [
    11 {
    12 "recipient_type": "EMAIL",
    13 "receiver": "payouts-simulator-receiver@paypal.com",
    14 "note": "ERRPYO002",
    15 "sender_item_id": "15240864065560",
    16 "amount":
    17 {
    18 "currency": "USD",
    19 "value": "1.00"
    20 }
    21 }]

    JSON pointer response

      3 "message": "Authorization error occurred",
      4 "debug_id": "ca787bdf80d7a",
      5 "information_link": "https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments.payouts-batch/v1/#errors"

      Use a path parameter in the request URI

      Trigger Test value Simulated response
      /v1/payments/payouts ERRPYO015 CLOSED_MARKET

      Path parameter request

        1curl -X GET https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO015 \
        2 -H "content-type: application/json" \
        3 -H "Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>"

        Path parameter response

          2 "batch_header":
          3 {
          4 "payout_batch_id": "DQCP2UAJCBMNY",
          5 "batch_status": "SUCCESS",
          6 "time_created": "2017-08-21T11:22:33Z",
          7 "time_completed": "2017-08-21T11:22:54Z",
          8 "sender_batch_header":
          9 {
          10 "email_subject": "user test case"
          11 },
          12 "amount":
          13 {
          14 "currency": "USD",
          15 "value": "190.0"
          16 },
          17 "fees":
          18 {
          19 "currency": "USD",
          20 "value": "0.0"
          21 }
          22 },
          23 "items": [
          24 {
          25 "payout_item_id": "RWD4Y3H9VV8BA",
          26 "transaction_status": "FAILED",
          27 "payout_item_fee":
          28 {
          29 "currency": "USD",
          30 "value": "0.0"
          31 },
          32 "payout_batch_id": "DQCP2UAJCBMNY",
          33 "payout_item":
          34 {
          35 "recipient_type": "EMAIL",
          36 "amount":
          37 {
          38 "currency": "USD",
          39 "value": "190.0"
          40 },
          41 "note": "payout to receiver",
          42 "receiver": "receiver@example.com",
          43 "sender_item_id": "MSI-2727"
          44 },
          45 "time_processed": "2017-08-21T11:22:44Z",
          46 "errors":
          47 {
          48 "name": "CLOSED_MARKET",
          49 "message": "Market closed and transaction is between 2 different countries",
          50 "information_link": "https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments.payouts-batch/v1/#errors",
          51 "details": []
          52 },
          53 "links": [
          54 {
          55 "href": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payouts-item/RWD4Y3H9VV8BA",
          56 "rel": "item",
          57 "method": "GET",
          58 "encType": "application/json"
          59 }]
          60 }],
          61 "links": [
          62 {
          63 "href": "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/payouts/DQCP2UAJCBMNY",
          64 "rel": "self",
          65 "method": "GET",
          66 "encType": "application/json"
          67 }]

          Test values

          Use the listed test values to trigger positive and negative responses for these payouts actions:

          Create payout

          Positive response test values

          Use the JSON pointer method to simulate this response at POST v1/payments/payouts/.

          Trigger Test value Simulated response
          items[0]/note POSPYO001 PAYLOAD WITH 201 RESPONSE CODE

          Negative response test values

          Use the JSON pointer method to simulate these error responses at POST v1/payments/payouts.

          Trigger Test value Simulated response
          items[0]/note ERRPYO001 SENDER_RESTRICTED
          items[0]/note ERRPYO002 SENDER_EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED
          items[0]/note ERRPYO003 AUTHORIZATION_ERROR
          items[0]/note ERRPYO005 INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS
          items[0]/note ERRPYO006 INTERNAL_ERROR
          items[0]/note ERRPYO010 VALIDATION_ERROR
          items[0]/note ERRPYO011 REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING
          items[0]/note ERRPYO012 SENDER_LOCKED
          items[0]/sender_batch_id ERRPYO013 VALIDATION_ERROR FOR VENMO NOTE MISSING
          items[0]/note ERRPYO014 USER_BUSINESS_ERROR
          items[0]/note ERRPYO035 RATE_LIMIT_VALIDATION
          items[0]/note ERRPYO036 REQUEST_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED
          items[0]/note ERRPYO037 SYNC_MODE_NOT_APPLICABLE
          items[0]/note ERRPYO038 NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY
          items[0]/note ERRPYO039 PREVIOUS_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS
          items[0]/note ERRPYO040 CIP_NOT_VERIFIED

          Show payout details

          Positive response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate this response at GET v1/payments/payouts.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts/POSPYO002 PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

          Negative response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate these error responses at GET v1/payments/payouts.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB005 ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB006 ACCOUNT_UNCONFIRMED_EMAIL
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB007 APPROVER_DENIED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB009 GAMER_FAILED_FUNDING_SOURCE_CHECK
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB010 GAMING_INVALID_PAYMENT_FLOW
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB011 NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB013 SENDER_STATE_RESTRICTED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB014 SPENDING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB015 TRANSACTION_DECLINED_BY_TRAVEL_RULE
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO015 CLOSED_MARKET
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO016 CURRENCY_COMPLIANCE
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO017 CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_RECEIVER
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO018 DUPLICATE_ITEM
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO019 RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO020 RECEIVER_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO021 RECEIVER_UNCONFIRMED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO022 RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO023 RECEIVER_YOUTH_ACCOUNT
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO024 RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO025 REGULATORY_BLOCKED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO026 REGULATORY_PENDING
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO027 RISK_DECLINE
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO028 SELF_PAY_NOT_ALLOWED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO029 TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO030 UNDEFINED
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO031 ZERO_AMOUNT
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO032 INVALID_RESOURCE_ID
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO033 INTERNAL_ERROR
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO034 INVALID_EMAIL
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYO060 RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_LIMITATION

          Cancel payout item

          Positive response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate this response at POST v1/payments/payouts-item/payouts_item_id/cancel.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/POSPOI002/cancel PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

          Negative response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate these error responses at POST v1/payments/payouts-item/payouts_item_id/cancel.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPOI001/cancel INVALID_RESOURCE_ID
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO004/cancel BATCH_NOT_COMPLETED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO007/cancel ITEM_ALREADY_CANCELLED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO008/cancel ITEM_CANCELLATION_FAILED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO009/cancel ITEM_INCORRECT_STATUS

          Show payout item details

          Positive response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate this response at GET v1/payments/payouts-item/payouts_item_id.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/POSPOI001 PAYLOAD WITH 200 RESPONSE CODE

          Negative response test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate these error responses at GET v1/payments/payouts-item/payouts_item_id.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO041 CLOSED_MARKET
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO042 CURRENCY_COMPLIANCE
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO043 CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_RECEIVER
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO044 RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO045 RECEIVER_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO046 RECEIVER_UNCONFIRMED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO047 RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO048 RECEIVER_YOUTH_ACCOUNT
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO049 RECEIVING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO050 REGULATORY_BLOCKED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO051 REGULATORY_PENDING
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO052 RISK_DECLINE
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO053 SELF_PAY_NOT_ALLOWED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO054 TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO055 UNDEFINED
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO056 ZERO_AMOUNT
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO057 INVALID_RESOURCE_ID
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO058 INTERNAL_ERROR
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO059 INVALID_EMAIL
          /v1/payments/payouts-item/ERRPYO061 RECEIVER_ACCOUNT_LIMITATION
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB016 ACCOUNT_RESTRICTED
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB017 ACCOUNT_UNCONFIRMED_EMAIL
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB018 APPROVER_DENIED
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB019 GAMER_FAILED_COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE_CHECK
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB020 GAMER_FAILED_FUNDING_SOURCE_CHECK
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB021 GAMING_INVALID_PAYMENT_FLOW
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB022 NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB024 SENDER_STATE_RESTRICTED
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB025 SPENDING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
          /v1/payments/payouts-items/ERRPYOB026 TRANSACTION_DECLINED_BY_TRAVEL_RULE

          Batch processing

          Batch status test values

          Use the path parameter in the request URI method to simulate these error responses at GET v1/payments/payouts/payout_batch_id.

          Trigger or test value Simulated response
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB001 SUCCESS
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB002 PENDING
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB003 PROCESSING
          /v1/payments/payouts/ERRPYOB004 DENIED

          Webhooks with failed payouts

          Webhook resources don't contain error objects. If you receive a webhook for a failed payout and would like to understand why the payout failed, do a GET request on the object. For more details, see Webhook event names.

          Rate limiting

          The rate limit number for Payouts API POST calls is 400.

          PayPal’s primary focus is site availability and security in support of merchants.

          While we do not publish a rate limiting policy, we might temporarily rate limit if we identify traffic that appears to be abusive. We rate limit until we are confident that the activity is not problematic for PayPal, merchants, or customers.

          To ensure maximum protection and site stability, we constantly evaluate traffic as it surges and subsides to adjust our policies. If you or your customers receive the HTTP 429 Unprocessable Entity - RATE_LIMIT_REACHED status code, too many requests were sent, and that might indicate anomalous traffic, so we rate limit to ensure site stability.

          If this policy negatively affects your integration, contact Merchant Technical Support.

          Go live with your integration

          Deploying your code to the live environment takes only a few steps.

          1. Change the base URL for all your REST API calls from https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com to https://api-m.paypal.com.

          2. Change the references to your sandbox API credentials to the live credentials. To get live API credentials, create a live REST API.

          3. If you created or updated pages on a website, move that code from the test environment to the live environment.

          See also

          If you accept cookies, we’ll use them to improve and customize your experience and enable our partners to show you personalized PayPal ads when you visit other sites. Manage cookies and learn more