Attempts and Declines Report User Guide
Last updated: Dec 12th, 11:48pm
The Attempts and Declines Report provides comprehensive insights into payment transactions that were attempted and those that got declined for various reasons. It includes details on transactions made using payment methods such as cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, highlighting both successful attempts and reasons for declines.
If you have opted for PayPal’s fraud protection tools, the report will also include data on fraud risk and filters related to authorization declines.
This report is a valuable tool for understanding the factors behind successful transactions and declines on a daily basis. It enables you to take informed actions to improve authorization success rates, enhance sales conversions, and manage market risks effectively.
How to use the Attempts and Declines Report
Note: After you have subscribed to the report, daily transactions will be available in the next day’s report (T+1).
As a merchant you can also subscribe to and download the report from the PayPal merchant portal and Secure FTP Server. For more information about using SFTP to access reports, see SFTP Reports.
Use Case |
Report type |
Delivery Method |
How to get the report
Merchant can generate and download the report from the PayPal portal or secure FTP Server. For more information about using SFTP to access reports, see SFTP Reports.
Important: We aim to improve these reports in future and may add attributes to the reports. Use column names when integrating with these reports, so that your integrations do not break when new columns are added.
Know before you begin
- The Attempts and Declines report offers comprehensive insights into payment transactions that were attempted and those that got declined for various reasons. It includes details on transactions made using payment methods such as debit card, credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, highlighting both successful attempts and reasons for declines.
- The report is only available in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
- The report uses UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) character encoding.
- Amounts in this report are expressed in major units of currency. For example: dollars for USD and yen for JPY. See PayPal-supported currencies for a list of all ISO-4217 currency codes that PayPal supports.
- A single report file can contain a maximum of one million records. If the report contains more than one million records, the report is split across multiple files.
- For reports that are split over multiple files, only the first file has a report header record. Only the last file has a report footer and a report record count.
- The Attempts and Declines Report is generated daily by 12:00 PM in the leading time zone of the reporting window as T-1 report.
The report is available on the Secure FTP Server in the
. For help with SFTP reports, see Access SFTP reports.
Report file name
The sample filename for reports being delivered to your SFTP is as: 0003EPN-XWSFEXVAAJLVN-AADR-ATTEMPTS_AND_DECLINE_REPORT-20240701-1-1-20240701000000.CSV
Report Specifications
The Attempts and Declines report includes the following sections:
- Report Header
- Report Details
- Report Footer
CSV Code |
Section |
Description |
Configurable |
RH |
Report Header |
No |
RD |
Report Details |
This section includes the payment attempt and transaction decline details. |
No |
RF |
Report Footer |
No |
RH: Report Header
Position |
Column name |
Optional/Required |
Data type |
Description |
1 |
RH |
Required |
Static, 2 characters |
Descriptor advising that this row of data contains report body data. |
2 |
Report name |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Name of the report. Values include: |
3 |
Report status |
Required |
Success/Error |
Report generation status. |
4 |
Report generated |
Required |
The date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD where:
5 |
Hierarchy |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Encrypted account number for an account holding individual account in PayPal. |
6 |
Time zone |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Time zone of the report. |
RD: Report Details
Position |
Column name |
Optional/Required |
Data type |
Description |
1 |
RD |
Required |
Static, 2 characters |
Indicates that this row of data contains report details data. |
2 |
Partner identifier |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Partner Identifier. |
3 |
Merchant account ID |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Encrypted account number of the merchant. |
4 |
Authorization ID |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Encrypted Authorization ID. |
5 |
Order ID |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The Order Id created at the time of transaction. |
6 |
Invoice ID |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The invoice ID passed at the time of transaction. |
7 |
Custom field |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Custom field. |
8 |
Authorization status |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Authorization status (Authorized or Declined). |
9 |
Authorization date |
Required |
Date and time the authorization was initiated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM: SS offset. Where:
10 |
Authorization amount |
Required |
Numeric (23, 2) |
The authorized amount |
11 |
Currency |
Required |
3-character currency code Max length: 3 characters |
Currency of the transaction. See PayPal-supported currencies for possible values. |
12 |
Payment instrument type |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The method of payment used to process the transaction. |
13 |
Payment instrument subtype |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The specific tender used to process the transaction. |
14 |
Optional |
6-8 Digits |
Bank Identifier Number |
15 |
Card number |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Masked credit card number (i.e.. **********4545). |
16 |
Card issuing bank |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The name of the bank that issued the physical credit card. This information does not exist for virtual credit cards. |
17 |
Card issuing country |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
The country where the issuer is based. |
18 |
Decline reason |
Required |
Character varying (256) |
Authorization Decline Reason Categories:
Note: Fraud decline details are available only to users subscribed to PayPal's fraud protection tool. |
19 |
Decline reason details |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Details of authorization decline reason. |
20 |
Risk filter applied |
Optional |
Character varying (256) with JSON format |
List of risk filters that were applied, leading to the authorization attempt being declined. Note: Fraud decline details are available only to users subscribed to PayPal's fraud protection tool. |
21 |
Risk score |
Optional |
Numeric |
Transaction risk score. Note: Fraud decline details are available only to users subscribed to PayPal's fraud protection tool. |
22 |
Risk score details |
Optional |
Character varying (256) with JSON format |
Transaction risk score detail. Note: Fraud decline details are available only to users subscribed to PayPal's fraud protection tool. |
23 |
Account updater |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
For the "Account Updater" product, a flag value of “Applied "will be shown if Account Updater was applied during the authorization attempt. |
24 |
Tokenization |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
For the "Tokenization," product, a flag value of "Applied" will be shown if Tokenization was used during the authorization attempt. |
25 |
3DS |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
3DS check. A flag value of "Applied" will be shown if a 3DS check was carried out. |
26 |
Fraud screening |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Fraud Protection Product Screening Status. Values: Standard: Indicates that Fraud Protection Standard product screening has been performed. Advanced: Indicates that Fraud Protection Advanced product screening has been performed. Blank: Indicates that you are not subscribed to the fraud protection product. |
27 |
Email ID |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Email id of buyer. |
28 |
Billing zip code |
Optional |
Character varying (256) |
Buyer zip code. |