Handle decline errors


Last updated: Oct 29th, 6:11am

Understand why a card payment gets declined by looking at the card decline values included in the Orders v2 API processor_response object for card transactions.

The following tables list possible AVS and CVV error response decline values and descriptions.

AVS error response codes

AVS code Meaning Matched details
A Address Address only (no ZIP code)
B International "A" Address only (no ZIP code)
C International "N" None. The transaction is declined.
D International "X" Address and Postal Code
E Not allowed for MOTO (Internet/Phone) transactions Not applicable. The transaction is declined.
F UK-specific "X" Address and Postal Code
G Global Unavailable Not applicable
I International Unavailable Not applicable
M Address Address and Postal Code
N No None. The transaction is declined.
P Postal (International "Z") Postal Code only (no Address)
R Retry Not applicable
S Service not Supported Not applicable
U Unavailable Not applicable
W Whole ZIP Nine-digit ZIP code (no Address)
X Exact match Address and nine-digit ZIP code
Y Yes Address and five-digit ZIP
Z ZIP Five-digit ZIP code (no Address)
All others Error Not applicable

CVV error response codes

CVV2 code Meaning Matched details
E Error - Unrecognized or Unknown response Not applicable
I Invalid or Null Not applicable
M Match CVV2 / CSC
N No match None
P Not processed Not applicable
S Service not supported Not applicable
U Unknown - Issuer is not certified Not applicable
X No response Not applicable
All others Error Not applicable

See also

The processor response information for payment requests, such as direct credit card transactions.

Orders v2 processor response object

The possible errors thrown by the Orders v2 API endpoints.

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