Managed Path Onboarding


Last updated: Sept 24th, 3:46pm


With Managed Path onboarding, you control your seller's PayPal onboarding experience.

How it works

You create a managed account through which your seller's PayPal payments are processed. This managed account created on their behalf is a PayPal business account that you can access but your sellers cannot. You use this account to:

  • Hold seller funds
  • Withdraw to a seller's financial instrument
  • Provide PayPal with information needed about your seller to process their payments

Onboarding steps

Creating and configuring managed accounts requires PayPal Commerce Platform approval.

  1. Create a managed account.
  2. Managed account webhooks.
  3. Upload supporting documents.
  4. Get account details.

Create a managed account

Using your access token, create and configure a managed account for your seller. Pass the following fields in the request body to /v2/customer/managed-accounts:

Parameter Type Description
external_id string The partner-provided ID of the managed account.
email_id string The ID of the managed account as an email.
country_code string The two character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region.
name object The name of the party.
addresses array, contains the personal_address object An array of account holder addresses.
phones array, contains the personal_phone object An array of account holder phone numbers.
identifications array, contains the personal_identification object An array of document numbers that verify a person's identity.
tax_id object The account holder's tax ID.
citizenship string The two character ISO 3166-1 code of the acount holder's citizenship.
date_of_birth string The account holder's date of birth in Internet date and time full-date format.
business_info object The account's business information.
primary_currency_code string The primary currency that this account holds. If you omit this value from the request, the value is derived from the primary currency of the account's country.
secondary_currency_code array, contains the currency_code object An array of additional currencies that this account can hold.
financial_instruments object An array of financial instruments.
cc_soft_descriptor string The name that appears on the buyer's bank or credit card statement. Supports only capital letters, numbers, spaces and the ., -, and * characters. With special characters, you must include one alphanumeric character.
terms_and_conditions_acceptance object Indicates that the account holder has accepted PayPal's terms and conditions.
organization string Organization this managed account belongs to in the partner's hierarchy in the form of a path.
user_id string The partner's unique identifier for this user in their system.

Sample request

    1curl -v -X POST \
    2-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    3-H "Authorization: Bearer <var>Access-Token</var>" \
    4-H "PayPal-Request-Id: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" \
    5-d '{
    6 "external_id": "user23_property_1"
    7 "country_code": "US",
    8 "email_id": "",
    9 "name": {
    10 "given_name": "John",
    11 "surname": "Collins",
    12 },
    13 "addresses": [
    14 {
    15 "type": "HOME",
    16 "address_line_1": "150 E San Fernando St",
    17 "admin_area_1": "CA",
    18 "admin_area_2": "San Jose",
    19 "postal_code": "95112",
    20 "country_code": "US"
    21 }
    22 ],
    23 "tax_id": {
    24 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER",
    25 "identifier": "123456789",
    26 "issuer": {
    27 "country_code": "US",
    28 }
    29 },
    30 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
    31 "business_info": {
    32 "type": "PROPRIETORSHIP",
    33 "names": [
    34 {
    35 "type": "LEGAL",
    36 "business_name": "Demo 201 Inc."
    37 }
    38 ]
    39 },
    40 "terms_and_conditions_acceptance": {
    41 "acceptance_time": "2018-05-12T01:23:45.678Z",
    42 "accepted": true
    43 },
    44 "organization": "us/property_1",
    45 "user_id": "partner_user23"

    Sample response

    A successful request returns the HTTP 201 Created status code and a JSON response body that shows managed account details.

      2 "payer_id": "7G4EPEEPEF74L",
      3 "external_id": "user23_property_1",
      4 "links":[
      5 {
      6 "rel":"self",
      7 "href":"",
      8 "method": "GET"
      9 },
      10 {
      11 "rel":"edit",
      12 "href":"",
      13 "method": "PATCH"
      14 }
      15 ]

      You will also receive a webhook that details your next steps:

      Webhook name Action
      CUSTOMER.MANAGED-ACCOUNT.CREATED Create next account or continue on to Create Checkout button to your sellers.
      CUSTOMER.MANAGED-ACCOUNT.UPDATED More information on a seller is needed. Check the required_documents object for necessary documents to upload.

      Managed account webhooks

      In some cases, more information about a particular seller is needed for that seller to receive or withdraw money.

      If you receive the CUSTOMER.MANAGED-ACCOUNT.UPDATED webhook upon creation of a managed account, upload the requested documents found in the required_documents object to the link provided in the response.

      Sample response

        2 "id": "WH-3AE50806EM5305732-8C457463XB353952R",
        3 "event_version": "1.0",
        4 "create_time": "2018-05-24T07:18:28.264Z",
        5 "resource_type": "managed-accounts",
        6 "event_type": "CUSTOMER.MANAGED-ACCOUNT.UPDATED",
        7 "summary": "A merchant account was updated.",
        8 "resource": {
        9 "update_time": "2018-05-24T07:18:28.264Z",
        10 "payer_id": "7G4EPEEPEF74L",
        11 "external_id": "user23_property_1",
        12 "country_code": "US",
        13 "email_id": "",
        14 "name": {
        15 "given_name": "John",
        16 "surname": "Collins",
        17 },
        18 "addresses": [
        19 {
        20 "type": "HOME",
        21 "address_line_1": "150 E San Fernando St",
        22 "admin_area_1": "CA",
        23 "admin_area_2": "San Jose",
        24 "postal_code": "95112",
        25 "country_code": "US"
        26 }
        27 ],
        28 "tax_id": {
        29 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER",
        30 "identifier": "123456789",
        31 "issuer": {
        32 "country_code": "US",
        33 }
        34 },
        35 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
        36 "business_info": {
        37 "type": "PROPRIETORSHIP",
        38 "names": [
        39 {
        40 "type": "LEGAL",
        41 "business_name": "Demo 201 Inc."
        42 }
        43 ]
        44 },
        45 "terms_and_conditions_acceptance": {
        46 "acceptance_time": "2018-05-12T01:23:45.678Z",
        47 "accepted": true
        48 },
        49 "organization": "us/property_1",
        50 "user_id": "partner_user23",
        51 "capabilities": [
        52 {
        53 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
        54 "status": "SUSPENDED",
        55 "limits": [
        56 {
        57 "type": "AMOUNT",
        58 "value": "5000.00 USD",
        59 "remaining_value": "1000.00 USD"
        60 }
        61 ],
        62 "required_fields": [
        63 {
        64 "requirement": "ALL_OF",
        65 "fields": [
        66 {
        67 "path": "/identifications",
        68 "link": {
        69 "rel":"edit",
        70 "href":"",
        71 "method": "PATCH"
        72 }
        73 },
        74 {
        75 "path": "/business_info/identifications",
        76 "link": {
        77 "rel":"edit",
        78 "href":"",
        79 "method": "PATCH"
        80 }
        81 }
        82 ]
        83 }
        84 ],
        85 "required_documents": [
        86 {
        87 "requirement": "ONE_OF",
        88 "documents": [
        89 {
        90 "name": "DRIVERS_LICENSE",
        91 "entity": "STAKEHOLDER",
        92 "entity_identifier": "ext_stakeholer_01",
        93 "link": {
        94 "rel":"upload",
        95 "href":"",
        96 "method": "POST"
        97 }
        98 },
        99 {
        100 "name": "PASSPORT",
        101 "entity": "STAKEHOLDER",
        102 "entity_identifier": "ext_stakeholer_01",
        103 "link": {
        104 "rel":"upload",
        105 "href":"",
        106 "method": "POST"
        107 }
        108 }
        109 ]
        110 },
        111 {
        112 "requirement": "ALL_OF",
        113 "documents": [
        114 {
        115 "name": "UTILITY_BILL",
        116 "entity": "BUSINESS",
        117 "link": {
        118 "rel":"upload",
        119 "href":"",
        120 "method": "POST"
        121 }
        122 },
        123 {
        124 "name": "PROOF_OF_SHIPPING",
        125 "entity": "ACCOUNT",
        126 "additional_information": {
        127 "type": "TRANSACTION",
        128 "identifier": "2GG279541U471931P"
        129 },
        130 "link": {
        131 "rel":"upload",
        132 "href":"",
        133 "method": "POST"
        134 }
        135 }
        136 ]
        137 }
        138 ]
        139 }
        140 ],
        141 "regulatory_obligations": [
        142 {
        143 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC",
        144 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
        145 },
        146 {
        147 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_1099_K",
        148 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
        149 }
        150 ],
        151 "links":[
        152 {
        153 "rel":"self",
        154 "href":"",
        155 "method": "PATCH"
        156 },
        157 {
        158 "rel":"edit",
        159 "href":"",
        160 "method": "PATCH"
        161 }
        162 ]
        163 }
        164 "links": [
        165 {
        166 "href": "",
        167 "rel": "self",
        168 "method": "GET"
        169 },
        170 {
        171 "href": "",
        172 "rel": "resend",
        173 "method": "POST"
        174 }
        175 ]
        176 }

        Upload supporting documents

        For certain sellers and markets, PayPal requires you to upload documents to verify the information you've provided.

        Sample request

          1curl -v -k -X POST '' \
          2 -H "Client-Info: anw" \
          3 -H "Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>"" \
          4 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundarydCVmGbjc9rWllBlE' -F 'input={"manual_review_required": false,"verification_purpose": "PROOF_OF_IDENTITY"};type=application/json' \
          5 -F 'file1=@doc.jpeg" \

          Sample response

          A successful request returns the HTTP 201 CREATED status code and a JSON response body that shows file upload details.

            2 "file_reference": {
            3 "id": "12312",
            4 "reference_url": "/content/dam/paypal/s03/001/01/001/c0/3a/1f/s03-001-01-001-c03a1f5a-02a4-4cf9-bffa-aea05e4e90b8",
            5 "content_type": "image/jpeg"
            6 },
            7 "links": [
            8 {
            9 "href": "",
            10 "rel": "self",
            11 "method": "GET"
            12 }
            13 ]

            Get account details

            Using your access token, pass the seller's payer_id for the value of merchant_payer_id to /v2/customer/managed-accounts/{merchant_payer_id} to get a managed account's details.

            Sample request

              1curl -v -X GET \
              2-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
              3-H "Authorization: Bearer <var>Access-Token</var>" \
              4-H "PayPal-Request-Id: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"

              Sample response

              A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the seller's managed account details.

                2 "payer_id": "7G4EPEEPEF74L",
                3 "external_id": "user23_property_1",
                4 "country_code": "US",
                5 "email_id": "",
                6 "name": {
                7 "given_name": "John",
                8 "surname": "Collins",
                9 },
                10 "addresses": [
                11 {
                12 "type": "HOME",
                13 "address_line_1": "150 E San Fernando St",
                14 "admin_area_1": "CA",
                15 "admin_area_2": "San Jose",
                16 "postal_code": "95112",
                17 "country_code": "US"
                18 }
                19 ],
                20 "tax_id": {
                21 "type": "SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER",
                22 "identifier": "123456789",
                23 "issuer": {
                24 "country_code": "US",
                25 }
                26 },
                27 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01",
                28 "business_info": {
                29 "type": "PROPRIETORSHIP",
                30 "names": [
                31 {
                32 "type": "LEGAL",
                33 "business_name": "Demo 201 Inc."
                34 }
                35 ]
                36 },
                37 "terms_and_conditions_acceptance": {
                38 "acceptance_time": "2018-05-12T01:23:45.678Z",
                39 "accepted": true
                40 },
                41 "organization": "us/property_1",
                42 "user_id": "partner_user23",
                43 "capabilities": [
                44 {
                45 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
                46 "status": "SUSPENDED",
                47 "limits": [
                48 {
                49 "type": "AMOUNT",
                50 "value": "5000.00 USD",
                51 "remaining_value": "1000.00 USD"
                52 }
                53 ],
                54 "required_fields": [
                55 {
                56 "requirement": "ALL_OF",
                57 "fields": [
                58 {
                59 "path": "/identifications",
                60 "link": {
                61 "rel":"edit",
                62 "href":"",
                63 "method": "PATCH"
                64 }
                65 },
                66 {
                67 "path": "/business_info/identifications",
                68 "link": {
                69 "rel":"edit",
                70 "href":"",
                71 "method": "PATCH"
                72 }
                73 }
                74 ]
                75 }
                76 ],
                77 "required_documents": [
                78 {
                79 "requirement": "ONE_OF",
                80 "documents": [
                81 {
                82 "name": "DRIVERS_LICENSE",
                83 "entity": "STAKEHOLDER",
                84 "entity_identifier": "ext_stakeholer_01",
                85 "link": {
                86 "rel":"upload",
                87 "href":"",
                88 "method": "POST"
                89 }
                90 },
                91 {
                92 "name": "PASSPORT",
                93 "entity": "STAKEHOLDER",
                94 "entity_identifier": "ext_stakeholer_01",
                95 "link": {
                96 "rel":"upload",
                97 "href":"",
                98 "method": "POST"
                99 }
                100 }
                101 ]
                102 },
                103 {
                104 "requirement": "ALL_OF",
                105 "documents": [
                106 {
                107 "name": "UTILITY_BILL",
                108 "entity": "BUSINESS",
                109 "link": {
                110 "rel":"upload",
                111 "href":"",
                112 "method": "POST"
                113 }
                114 },
                115 {
                116 "name": "PROOF_OF_SHIPPING",
                117 "entity": "ACCOUNT",
                118 "additional_information": {
                119 "type": "TRANSACTION",
                120 "identifier": "2GG279541U471931P"
                121 },
                122 "link": {
                123 "rel":"upload",
                124 "href":"",
                125 "method": "POST"
                126 }
                127 }
                128 ]
                129 }
                130 ]
                131 }
                132 ],
                133 "regulatory_obligations": [
                134 {
                135 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_KYC",
                136 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
                137 },
                138 {
                139 "name": "MANAGED_PATH_1099_K",
                140 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA"
                141 }
                142 ],
                143 "links":[
                144 {
                145 "rel":"self",
                146 "href":"",
                147 "method": "PATCH"
                148 },
                149 {
                150 "rel":"edit",
                151 "href":"",
                152 "method": "PATCH"
                153 }
                154 ]


                Create Checkout button.

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