Account verification requirements

Last updated: June 20th 2023, @ 12:08:42 pm

Note: Account verification requirements has been recently updated, to view the previous requirements see Account Verification Requirements Deprecated.

Collect and verify merchant data to complete onboarding.

Review merchant data collection and verification status

Retrieve the top-level capabilities array to show the merchant account's capability status.

Use your access token to make a GET call to /v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID, and pass the merchant's account_id in ACCOUNT-ID.

Sample request

1curl --location --request GET ‘{{host}}/v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID’ --header ‘Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN’ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the merchant's managed account details.


The capabilities array is sent as a top-level entity in the GET API response. This array provides information on account capabilities, current statuses and any associated payment processing limits. Different types of capabilities are returned in the API response.

Each capability must have the "status":"ACTIVE" to be used. The limit array is included if there is a limit associated with a capability. Each limit contains the limit amount and the amount remaining. The grace periods array, which lists the start and end time for the grace period, is included if there is a time limit associated with a limit.

The top-level capabilities array provides the account's status and is returned when you make a generic GET call without passing view=process_view in the request. If the status is anything other than active, use process_view and complete the action listed to remove the limitation. For more information about process_view, see Process View.

SEND_MONEYAbility to send money as branded PayPal payments.
RECEIVE_MONEYAbility to receive money as branded PayPal payments.
WITHDRAW_MONEYAbility for a merchant to withdraw money directly to their bank account. This capability doesn't apply to partners using settlement consolidation.
CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSINGAbility to receive card payments as an unbranded credit and debit card or unbranded payments.
CUSTOM_BANK_PROCESSINGAbility to receive direct bank payments as an unbranded credit card or unbranded payments.
APPLE_PAYAbility to receive Apple Pay payments as an unbranded credit card or unbranded payments.
GOOGLE_PAYAbility to receive Google Pay payments as an unbranded credit card or unbranded payments.

Note: Even if SEND_MONEY is active, merchants can't send money in Managed Path.


The limits array is sent under the capabilities section in the API response. This sub-array provides details about account limitations. Limitations are applied when data collection or verification is incomplete and are lifted after both processes are completed.

  1. United States
  2. Europe
  3. Canada

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Beneficial Owner (BO) data collection and verification is required in the United States. If collection is incomplete or verification fails, withdrawals and transactions are limited. Limits vary according to the processes applied to the account:

MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTIONWithdrawals and transactions are blocked.
MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATIONWithdrawals are blocked. Limited to $5,000.00 in transactions or 30 days, whichever comes first.
MANAGED_PATH_BO_COLLECTIONWithdrawals and transactions are blocked.
MANAGED_PATH_BO_VERIFICATIONLimited to $500,000 in transactions. Once the limit is reached withdrawals and transactions are blocked.

Sample limited capabilities response

2 "capabilities": [{
3 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
4 "limits": [{
5 "type": "AMOUNT",
6 "unit": "USD",
7 "value": "5000.00",
8 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
9 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
10 }],
11 "grace_periods": [{
12 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
13 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
14 }],
15 "status": "ACTIVE"
16 }, {
17 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
18 "limits": [{
19 "type": "AMOUNT",
20 "unit": "USD",
21 "value": "5000.00",
22 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
23 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
24 }],
25 "grace_periods": [{
26 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
27 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
28 }],
29 "status": "ACTIVE"
30 }, {
32 "limits": [{
33 "type": "AMOUNT",
34 "unit": "USD",
35 "value": "5000.00",
36 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
37 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
38 }],
39 "grace_periods": [{
40 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
41 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
42 }],
43 "status": "ACTIVE"
44 }, {
45 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
46 "limits": [{
47 "type": "AMOUNT",
48 "unit": "USD",
49 "value": "5000.00",
50 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
51 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
52 }],
53 "grace_periods": [{
54 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
55 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
56 }],
57 "status": "ACTIVE"
58 }, {
59 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
60 "status": "NEED_DATA"
61 }],
62 "process_view": {
63 "processes": [{
65 "status": "COMPLETED",
66 "capabilities": [{
67 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
68 }, {
70 }, {
71 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
72 }, {
73 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
74 }, {
75 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
76 }]
77 }, {
79 "status": "COMPLETED",
80 "capabilities": [{
82 }, {
83 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY"
84 }, {
85 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
86 }, {
87 "name": "APPLE_PAY"
88 }, {
89 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY"
90 }]
91 }, {
93 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA",
94 "capabilities": [{
95 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY",
96 "limits": [{
97 "type": "AMOUNT",
98 "unit": "USD",
99 "value": "500000.00",
100 "remaining_value": "500000.00",
101 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
102 }]
103 }, {
105 "limits": [{
106 "type": "AMOUNT",
107 "unit": "USD",
108 "value": "500000.00",
109 "remaining_value": "500000.00",
110 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
111 }]
112 }, {
113 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
114 "limits": [{
115 "type": "AMOUNT",
116 "unit": "USD",
117 "value": "500000.00",
118 "remaining_value": "500000.00",
119 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
120 }]
121 }, {
122 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
123 "limits": [{
124 "type": "AMOUNT",
125 "unit": "USD",
126 "value": "500000.00",
127 "remaining_value": "500000.00",
128 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
129 }]
130 }, {
131 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
132 "limits": [{
133 "type": "AMOUNT",
134 "unit": "USD",
135 "value": "500000.00",
136 "remaining_value": "500000.00",
137 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
138 }]
139 }]
140 }, {
142 "status": "NEED_MORE_DATA",
143 "capabilities": [{
145 "limits": [{
146 "type": "AMOUNT",
147 "unit": "USD",
148 "value": "5000.00",
149 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
150 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
151 }],
152 "grace_periods": [{
153 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
154 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
155 }]
156 }, {
157 "name": "APPLE_PAY",
158 "limits": [{
159 "type": "AMOUNT",
160 "unit": "USD",
161 "value": "5000.00",
162 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
163 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
164 }],
165 "grace_periods": [{
166 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
167 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
168 }]
169 }, {
170 "name": "GOOGLE_PAY",
171 "limits": [{
172 "type": "AMOUNT",
173 "unit": "USD",
174 "value": "5000.00",
175 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
176 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
177 }],
178 "grace_periods": [{
179 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
180 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
181 }]
182 }, {
183 "name": "WITHDRAW_MONEY"
184 }, {
185 "name": "RECEIVE_MONEY",
186 "limits": [{
187 "type": "AMOUNT",
188 "unit": "USD",
189 "value": "5000.00",
190 "remaining_value": "5000.00",
191 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
192 }],
193 "grace_periods": [{
194 "start_time": "2023-11-08T09:46:28.991Z",
195 "expiry_time": "2023-12-08T09:46:28.991Z"
196 }]
197 }]
198 }]
199 }

The sample response shows a $5,000.00 limit to the CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING capability because the merchant hasn't completed MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION. The merchant can continue to transact until the remaining value of the limit reaches $0.00 or until the expiry_time is reached.

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Beneficial Owner (BO) data collection and verification is required in the United States. If KYC collection is incomplete, only the SEND_MONEY capability is active.

Note: Even if SEND_MONEY is active, merchants can't send money in Managed Path.

The following capabilities are blocked:


If KYC verification is incomplete, the merchant can transact with limits.

Know Your Customer (KYC) collection and verification requirements

KYC data collection and verification is required for merchants in the United States. The API response includes the following objects to complete collection and verfication:

  • MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION: Know Your Customer data collection status

  • MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION: Know Your Customer policy verification status

    The following merchant information must be provided at the time of onboarding to complete the collection process.

Note: You must provide the full set of data for each business type during onboarding in order for a merchant to start transacting.

Data RequirementsIndividuals/Sole PropsCorporations/Non-profits/Partnerships/Government Body
Primary Account User legal nameYesYes
Primary Account User home addressYesYes
Primary Account User date of birthYesYes
Primary Account User phone number 1YesYes
Primary Account User email 2YesYes
Primary Account User citizenship 3YesYes
Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) 4YesYes
Primary Account User passport or national IDNoYes 5
Business type (Sole Prop, Partnership, etc.)YesYes
Business legal nameYes6Yes
Business addressNoYes
Trading Name or Doing Business As (DBA) 7NoNo
Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)NoYes
Merchant Category CodeYesYes
Business phone numberNoYes
Business email 8NoYes
Business website info 9YesYes
  • 1: The phone number type for PAU should always be HOME or MOBILE. Any other type may cause an error.
  • 2: If you don't provide an email address for individual_owners, MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION returns NEED_MORE_DATA in the process view section of the response.
  • 3: If the merchant provides US in the citizenship value, they will be required to provide an SSN or ITIN. If the merchant puts in a non-US country, they will be required to provide a passport or national ID number.
  • 4: Your merchant and the PAU for individual or sole proprietorship business types must provide a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. To indicate that a merchant has a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, use the default citizenship of US, and set the type to either SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER or INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER.
  • 5: A passport or national ID number is only required for non-US citizens. Otherwise, a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification number is required.
  • 6: Sole proprietors must provide their trade name or business name in this field.
  • 7: DBA is only required if the merchant has one.
  • 8: You must provide a valid email where the business can be contacted.
  • 9: You must provide a website for all of your merchants that have one. If a merchant isn't an e-commerce business and doesn't have a website, set website_info.website_exists to false in the website_info object.

The following data must be submitted to complete verification:

Data RequirementsIndividuals/Sole PropsCorporations/Non-profits/Partnerships/Government Body
Primary Account User Legal NameYesNo
Primary Account User Home AddressYesNo
Primary Account User Date of BirthYesNo
Primary Account User citizenship1YesNo
Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) 2YesNo
Primary Account User passport or national ID 3NoNo
Business Type (Sole Prop, Partnership, etc.)YesYes
Business Legal NameYesYes
Business AddressNoYes
Trading Name or Doing Business As (DBA)NoNo
Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)NoYes
Business website infoYesYes
  • 1: If the merchant provides US in the citizenship value, they will be required to provide an SSN or ITIN. If the merchant puts in a non-US country, they will be required to provide a passport or national ID number.
  • 2: Your merchant and the PAU for individual or sole proprietorship business types must provide a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. To indicate that a merchant has a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, use the default citizenship of US, and set the type to either SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER or INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER.
  • 3: Passport or national ID is only required if citizenship is Non US. Otherwise, SSN or ITIN is required.

Until verification is complete, PayPal imposes the following limits:

  • PayPal restricts the merchant from receiving funds once the account receives $5,000.00 USD or the 30-day grace period from time of first transaction expires.

Beneficial Owner collection and verification requirements

All business stakeholders associated with the business, such as beneficial owners and office bearers, must submit data and be verified. This data collection and verification applies to all legal business entities except government entities and public companies. All data must be provided to start transacting.

The API response includes the following ojects to complete collection and verfication:

  • MANAGED_PATH_BO_COLLECTION: Beneficial Owner data collection status
  • MANAGED_PATH_BO_VERIFICATION: Beneficial Owner verification policy status

You must include:

  • Ownership prong (Beneficial Owners): Up to 4 people who directly or indirectly own 25% or more of the business.
  • Control prong (Office Bearers): 1 person who has control over the day-to-day operations of the business, such as C-level employees or who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the business.

Sample Request

2 "external_id": "EXTERNAL-ID",
3 "legal_country_code": "US",
4 "organization": "us",
5 "user_id": "USER-ID",
6 "primary_currency_code": "USD",
7 "individual_owners": [{
8 "names": [{
9 "type": "LEGAL",
10 "given_name": "MaryAPPROVED",
11 "surname": "Collins"
12 }],
13 "primary_residence": {
14 "address_line_1": "123 Main Street",
15 "admin_area_2": "100",
16 "postal_code": "12345",
17 "country_code": "US"
18 },
19 "birth_details": {
20 "date_of_birth": "1995-05-30"
21 },
22 "identification_documents": [{
24 "identification_number": "123456789",
25 "issuing_country_code": "US"
26 }],
27 "phone_numbers": [{
28 "country_code": "030",
29 "national_number": "6151175",
30 "extension_number": "1",
31 "type": "MOBILE"
32 }],
33 "emails": [{
34 "email": "[email protected]"
35 }],
36 "citizenship": "US"
37 }],
38 "business_entity": {
39 "merchant_category_code": 5933,
40 "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
41 "names": [{
42 "type": "LEGAL",
43 "business_name": "DECLINED"
44 }],
45 "emails": [{
46 "email": "[email protected]"
47 }],
48 "phone_numbers": [{
49 "type": "BUSINESS",
50 "country_code": "1",
51 "national_number": "06151188"
52 }],
53 "website_info": {
54 "website_exists": true,
55 "website_url": ""
56 },
57 "addresses": [{
58 "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
59 "address_line_2": "West Anytown",
60 "admin_area_2": "Anytown",
61 "admin_area_1": "CA",
62 "postal_code": "12345",
63 "country_code": "US",
64 "id": "FAQVZCPBJ6C6Q",
65 "type": "BUSINESS"
66 }],
67 "identification_documents": [{
69 "identification_number": "111222333",
70 "issuing_country_code": "US"
71 }],
72 "beneficial_owners": {
73 "individuals": [{
74 "names": [{
75 "given_name": "Tom",
76 "surname": "Jerry",
77 "id": "KCENS4XYWBBUW",
78 "type": "LEGAL"
79 }],
80 "citizenship": "US",
81 "identification_documents": [{
83 "identification_number": "123456789",
84 "issuing_country_code": "US"
85 }],
86 "addresses": [{
87 "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
88 "address_line_2": "West Anytown",
89 "admin_area_2": "Anytown",
90 "admin_area_1": "CA",
91 "postal_code": "12345",
92 "country_code": "US",
93 "id": "FAQVZCPBJ6C6Q",
94 "type": "HOME"
95 }],
96 "birth_details": {
97 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01"
98 },
99 "emails": [{
100 "email": "[email protected]"
101 }],
102 "phone_numbers": [{
103 "type": "WORK",
104 "country_code": "1",
105 "national_number": "06151188"
106 }],
107 "percentage_of_ownership": "30"
108 }]
109 },
110 "office_bearers": [{
111 "names": [{
112 "given_name": "Another oneaa",
113 "surname": "Collins",
114 "id": "KCENS4XYWBBUW",
115 "type": "LEGAL"
116 }],
117 "citizenship": "US",
118 "identification_documents": [{
120 "identification_number": "123456789",
121 "issuing_country_code": "US"
122 }],
123 "addresses": [{
124 "addresses": [{
125 "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
126 "address_line_2": "West Anytown",
127 "admin_area_2": "Anytown",
128 "admin_area_1": "CA",
129 "postal_code": "12345",
130 "country_code": "US",
131 "id": "FAQVZCPBJ6C6Q",
132 "type": "HOME"
133 }],
134 "birth_details": {
135 "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01"
136 },
137 "emails": [{
138 "email": "[email protected]"
139 }],
140 "phone_numbers": [{
141 "type": "WORK",
142 "country_code": "1",
143 "national_number": "06151188"
144 }]
145 }]
146 },
147 "agreements": [{
148 "type": "TERMS_ACCEPTED",
149 "accepted_time": "2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
150 }]

The following data must be submitted to complete collection:

Note: You must provide all KYC collection and BO collection data during onboarding in order for a merchant to start transacting.

Data RequirementsUS CitizenNon US Citizen
Business Beneficial Owner declarationYesYes
Percentage of ownership (Ownership prong only)YesYes
Control prong legal nameYesYes
Control prong home addressYesYes
Control prong phone numberYesYes
Control prong email addressYesYes
Control prong date of birthYesYes
Control prong citizenshipYesYes
Control prong SSN / ITINYesNo
Control prong passport or national IDNoYes
Ownership prong legal nameYesYes
Ownership prong home addressYesYes
Ownership prong phone numberYesYes
Ownership prong email addressYesYes
Ownership prong date of birthYesYes
Ownership prong citizenshipYesYes
Ownership prong SSN / ITINYesNo
Ownership prong passport or national IDNoYes

Note: If the merchant provides US in the citizenship value, they will be required to provide an SSN or ITIN. If the merchant puts in a non-US country, they will be required to provide a passport or national ID number.

Note: For beneficial_owners and office_bearers, the phone number type should be WORK. Any other type may cause an error.

The following data must be submitted to complete verification:

Data RequirementsUS CitizenNon US Citizen
Control prong legal nameYesYes
Control prong home addressYesYes
Control prong date of birthYesYes
Control prong citizenshipYesYes
Control prong SSN / ITINYesNo
Control prong passportNoYes
Ownership prong legal nameYesYes
Ownership prong home addressYesYes
Ownership prong date of birthYesYes
Ownership prong citizenshipYesYes
Ownership prong SSN / ITINYesNo
Ownership prong passport or national IDNoYes

Note: If the merchant provides US in the citizenship value, they will be required to provide an SSN or ITIN. If the merchant puts in a non-US country, they will be required to provide a passport or national ID number.

Unverified beneficial owners and office bearers are limited to $500,000.00 USD in transactions.

Process view

Process view helps you get more information on the status of the merchant account. After you submit a request to create an account, the following webhooks are sent asynchronously that provide the next steps for enabling processing on the account:


To get information on account status, make a GET request with the merchant's account ID.

The response to the GET request contains a list of compliance processes and statuses that indicate:

  • Whether the merchant account onboarding has been completed and is ready to start accepting payments
  • Thresholds for each limited capability, if applicable.

The data collection and verification processes required vary by country:

  1. United States
  2. Europe
  3. Canada
  • MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION: Know Your Customer policy verification status
  • MANAGED_PATH_KYC_COLLECTION: Know Your Customer data collection status
  • MANAGED_PATH_BO_VERIFICATION: Beneficial Owner verification policy status
  • MANAGED_PATH_BO_COLLECTION: Beneficial Owner data collection status

When the data verification process is complete, the status changes to COMPLETED. A NEED_MORE_DATA status indicates that more data is needed to complete the verification process.

  1. The process_view option is only returned in the response when views="process_view" has been provided in the GET request, either in the HTTP header or as a URL query parameter.
  2. If a process is missing any required information, then the process includes a required object. This means the process hasn't been completed due to insufficient data. The required object in the relevant process includes the missing data.
  3. If a process has any incorrect information, then the process includes a required_corrections object that lists the fields or documents to be corrected. It also means that at least one attempt to e-verify was made and failed.
  4. If PayPal requires documents to verify the merchant manually, then the process_view includes a required_documents section containing the list of documents required, including document upload links. It also means that all e-verify attempts have failed. You must upload physical documents to move forward with the manual verification process.
  5. Each process in the process_view may contain a list of capabilities impacted by the process. Each capability contains associated and corresponding payment processing limits.

Use your access token and make a GET call to /v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID, passing the merchant's account_id for the value of ACCOUNT_ID to get a managed account's details.

Sample request

2curl --location--request GET ‘{{host}}/v3/customer/managed-accounts/ACCOUNT-ID?views=process_view’--header ‘Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN’--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response body that shows the merchant's managed account details:

Sample response

2 "account_id":"PND6M3F8Y895C",
3 "legal_country_code":"US",
4 "individual_owners":[
5 {
6 "id":"PND6M3F8Y895C",
7 "names":[
8 {
9 "given_name":"ABC",
10 "surname":"ABC",
11 "id":"M6YRKJYH5UDVS",
12 "type":"LEGAL"
13 }
14 ],
15 "primary_residence":{
16 "address_line_1":"123 Main St",
17 "admin_area_2":"100",
18 "postal_code":"12345",
19 "country_code":"US"
20 },
21 "phone_numbers":[
22 {
23 "country_code":"030",
24 "national_number":"6151175",
25 "id":"ZJMK3GDGZ2E8S",
26 "type":"MOBILE"
27 }
28 ],
29 "birth_details":{
30 "date_of_birth":"1995-05-30"
31 },
32 "emails":[
33 {
34 "id":"3HPST27KRPWBL",
35 "email":"[email protected]"
36 }
37 ]
38 }
39 ],
40 "business_entity":{
41 "type":"INDIVIDUAL",
42 "merchant_category_code":"5933",
43 "incorporation_details":{},
44 "names":[
45 {
46 "business_name":"Demo",
47 "id":"2X2KN2Q2GNQMU",
48 "type":"LEGAL"
49 }
50 ],
51 "emails":[
52 {
53 "id":"TQVDRKHPU54R2",
54 "email":"[email protected]"
55 }
56 ],
57 "registered_business_address":{
58 "address_line_1":"123 Main St",
59 "admin_area_2":"Anytown",
60 "postal_code":"12345",
61 "country_code":"US"
62 },
63 "phone_numbers":[
64 {
65 "country_code":"1",
66 "national_number":"06151188",
67 "id":"PAX4M7G68536Y",
68 "type":"BUSINESS"
69 }
70 ],
71 "identification_documents":[
72 {
73 "id":"8RDJL4EXGGZ5S",
74 "identification_number":"****",
75 "issuing_country_code":"US",
77 }
78 ],
79 "beneficial_owners":{
80 "individuals":[
81 {
82 "id":"5CCUPLWKJ9D8N",
83 "names":[
84 {
85 "given_name":"Another oneaa",
86 "surname":"Collins",
87 "id":"P8GUNVLRSUGGE",
88 "type":"LEGAL"
89 }
90 ],
91 "addresses":[
92 {
93 "address_line_1":"123 Main St",
94 "address_line_2":"West Anytown",
95 "admin_area_2":"Anytown",
96 "postal_code":"12345",
97 "country_code":"US",
98 "id":"APWD4PGEQ4Q4Q",
99 "type":"HOME"
100 }
101 ],
102 "phone_numbers":[
103 {
104 "country_code":"1",
105 "national_number":"06151188",
106 "id":"DA5HK97CYXFKS",
107 "type":"WORK"
108 }
109 ],
110 "birth_details":{
111 "date_of_birth":"1990-01-01"
112 },
113 "identification_documents":[
114 {
115 "id":"UE6JEJ873CDFG",
116 "identification_number":"****",
117 "issuing_country_code":"US",
119 }
120 ],
121 "emails":[
122 {
123 "email":"[email protected]"
124 }
125 ],
126 "percentage_of_ownership":"30",
127 "controlling_influence":false
128 }
129 ]
130 },
131 "office_bearers":[
132 {
133 "id":"C9M3DTJCDT39E",
134 "names":[
135 {
136 "given_name":"Another oneaa",
137 "surname":"Collins",
138 "id":"2QWBXQ4QBQNW8",
139 "type":"LEGAL"
140 }
141 ],
142 "addresses":[
143 {
144 "address_line_1":"123 Main St",
145 "address_line_2":"West Anytown",
146 "admin_area_2":"Anytown",
147 "admin_area_1":"CA",
148 "postal_code":"12345",
149 "country_code":"US",
150 "id":"QGPEYWQT4VVNE",
151 "type":"HOME"
152 }
153 ],
154 "phone_numbers":[
155 {
156 "country_code":"1",
157 "national_number":"06151188",
158 "id":"5R86MAMCBZS7E",
159 "type":"WORK"
160 }
161 ],
162 "birth_details":{
163 "date_of_birth":"1990-01-01"
164 },
165 "identification_documents":[
166 {
167 "id":"LKWL32TT47Q6Q",
168 "identification_number":"****",
169 "issuing_country_code":"US",
171 }
172 ],
173 "emails":[
174 {
175 "email":"[email protected]"
176 }
177 ]
178 }
179 ],
180 "declarations":[
181 {
183 "value":"YES"
184 }
185 ]
186 },
187 "agreements":[
188 {
189 "type":"TERMS_ACCEPTED",
190 "accepted_time":"2019-06-02T01:23:45Z"
191 }
192 ],
193 "external_id":"EXT-1695877555",
194 "organization":"us_org/net",
195 "user_id":"1691638380997",
196 "primary_currency_code":"USD",
197 "soft_descriptor":"DEMO",
198 "capabilities":[
199 {
200 "name":"APPLE_PAY",
201 "status":"NEED_DATA"
202 },
203 {
204 "name":"GOOGLE_PAY",
205 "status":"NEED_DATA"
206 },
207 {
209 "status":"NEED_DATA"
210 },
211 {
212 "name":"RECEIVE_MONEY",
213 "status":"NEED_DATA"
214 },
215 {
216 "name":"WITHDRAW_MONEY",
217 "status":"NEED_DATA"
218 }
219 ],
220 "process_view":{
221 "processes":[
222 {
224 "status":"NEED_MORE_DATA",
225 "capabilities":[
226 {
228 "limits":[
229 {
230 "type":"AMOUNT",
231 "unit":"USD",
232 "value":"5000.00",
233 "remaining_value":"5000.00"
234 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
235 }
236 ]
237 },
238 {
239 "name":"APPLE_PAY",
240 "limits":[
241 {
242 "type":"AMOUNT",
243 "unit":"USD",
244 "value":"5000.00",
245 "remaining_value":"5000.00"
246 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
247 }
248 ]
249 },
250 {
251 "name":"GOOGLE_PAY",
252 "limits":[
253 {
254 "type":"AMOUNT",
255 "unit":"USD",
256 "value":"5000.00",
257 "remaining_value":"5000.00"
258 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
259 }
260 ]
261 },
262 {
263 "name":"RECEIVE_MONEY",
264 "limits":[
265 {
266 "type":"AMOUNT",
267 "unit":"USD",
268 "value":"5000.00",
269 "remaining_value":"5000.00"
270 "implication_of_limit_breach": "BLOCK_CAPABILITY"
271 }
272 ]
273 },
274 {
275 "name":"WITHDRAW_MONEY"
276 }
277 ],
278 "required":{
279 "op":"ALL_OF",
280 "attributes":[
281 {
282 "op":"ONE_OF",
283 "attributes":[
284 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='PND6M3F8Y895C')].identification_documents[?(@['type']=='INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER')]",
285 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='PND6M3F8Y895C')].identification_documents[?(@['type']=='SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER')]"
286 ]
287 }
288 ]
289 }
290 },
291 {
293 "status":"NEED_MORE_DATA",
294 "capabilities":[
295 {
296 "name":"GOOGLE_PAY"
297 },
298 {
299 "name":"RECEIVE_MONEY"
300 },
301 {
302 "name":"WITHDRAW_MONEY"
303 },
304 {
306 },
307 {
308 "name":"APPLE_PAY"
309 }
310 ],
311 "required":{
312 "op":"ALL_OF",
313 "attributes":[
314 {
315 "op":"ONE_OF",
316 "attributes":[
317 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='PND6M3F8Y895C')].identification_documents[?(@['type']=='INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER')]",
318 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='PND6M3F8Y895C')].identification_documents[?(@['type']=='SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER')]"
319 ]
320 },
321 "$.individual_owners[?(@['id']=='PND6M3F8Y895C')].citizenship"
322 ]
323 }
324 },
325 {
327 "status":"COMPLETED",
328 "capabilities":[
329 {
331 },
332 {
333 "name":"APPLE_PAY"
334 },
335 {
336 "name":"RECEIVE_MONEY"
337 },
338 {
339 "name":"GOOGLE_PAY"
340 },
341 {
342 "name":"WITHDRAW_MONEY"
343 }
344 ]
345 },
346 {
348 "status":"COMPLETED",
349 "capabilities":[
350 {
351 "name":"WITHDRAW_MONEY"
352 },
353 {
355 },
356 {
357 "name":"GOOGLE_PAY"
358 },
359 {
360 "name":"APPLE_PAY"
361 },
362 {
363 "name":"RECEIVE_MONEY"
364 }
365 ]
366 }
367 ]
368 },
369 "links":[
370 {
371 "href":"",
372 "rel":"self",
373 "method":"GET"
374 },
375 {
376 "href":"",
377 "rel":"edit",
378 "method":"PATCH"
379 }
380 ]
381 }

Data collection and verification processes

The response to the request for data collection and verification contains a list of compliance processes. The requirements for data collection and verification vary by country.

  1. United States
  2. Europe
  3. Canada
  4. Other

There are 4 types of processes sent in response to data collection and verification:


The following documents may be requested to complete data verification:

  • Proof of address
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of Social Security number
  • Proof of business address
  • Proof of business identification
  • Proof of business existence

Proof of address

Proof of address is associated with the following processes:


An example of a proof of address is a utility bill, insurance statemen or payslip.

The document must:

  • Be fully legible.
  • Match the full name and address as registered on the PayPal account.
  • Have a logo or footer of the issuer.
  • Issued within the last 12 months.
  • Not belong to a PO box.

Proof of identity

Proof of identity is associated with the following processes:


An example of a proof of identity is a driver's license, passport, or state ID card.

The document must show the following information:

  • Photo
  • Legal name, including first and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Date of issue or expiration
  • Signature
  • Document ID number
  • Issuer
  • Issue date (if applicable)
  • Expiration date (if applicable)

The document must be valid, current, and not expired. When uploading the document, partial documents can't be accepted as proof of identity. The front of the ID can be used if all data required is captured in one view.

Proof of social security number

Proof of social security number is associated with the MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION and MANAGED_PATH_BO_VERIFICATION processes.

When uploading the Social Security number, show the full name and complete 9-digit Social Security number.

Proof of business address

Proof of business address is associated with the MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION process. An example of a proof of business address is a credit card statement, utility bill, insurance statement, tax assessment notice, or business license.

The document must:

  • Be fully visible.
  • Be dated within the last 12 months.
  • Show the full legal business name.
  • Show the complete physical business address.
  • Not belong to a PO box.

Proof of business identity

Proof of business identity is associated with the MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION process.

An example of a proof of business identity is a certificate of incorporation, partnership agreement, or US IRS EIN allocation letter.

The document must:

  • Be fully visible.
  • Show the full legal business name.
  • Show the complete 9-digit TIN or EIN.

Proof of business existence

Proof of business existence is associated with the MANAGED_PATH_KYC_VERIFICATION process.

An example of proof of business existence is a Current Certificate of Good Standing, Certificate of Incorporation, or EIN Allocation Letter.

The document must:

  • Be filed with the Secretary of State.
  • Be dated within the last 12 months.
  • Show the full legal business name.
  • Show the current status of the business.

Recommendations for partners in the US, EU, and CA

PayPal recommends a simplified approach to tracking and communicating capabilities, limits, and processes to the merchant. This approach requires the following in the API response:

  1. Status of each capability: Check the status of each capability to control which capabilities should be made available to a merchant. Allowing a merchant to process payments using an inactive capability could lead to a poor user experience for buyers.

The current status of each capability is contained in the top-level capabilities array in the API response. Merchants can use any capability with a status value of ACTIVE. Merchants cannot use capabilities showing any other status value. If the capability shows INACTIVE or NEED_MORE_DATA, the capability must be made unavailable or disabled for the merchant.

Note: The WITHDRAW_MONEY capability reflects a merchant's ability to receive payouts to their bank account. The capability doesn't apply to partners who are using the settlement consolidation model. For more information, see the capabilities section.

  1. The lowest remaining value crosses all limits. Merchants can be impacted by multiple different limits if they have not provided enough information to meet compliance process requirements. Partners should communicate to merchants how close they are to reaching their limit before any capabilities are impacted.

To simplify tracking and communicating limits to merchants, identify the payment processing limit with the lowest remaining_value left. Partners can communicate the lowest remaining_value amount found across all limits to their merchants. The top-level capabilities array in the API response contains all associated payment processing limits. The lowest remaining_value amount can be found by searching this top-level capabilities array.

Note: You can have multiple remaining_value amounts that are the same.

  1. Any information required from the merchant is found in process_view. Merchants may need to provide information or correct previously provided information to use or continue using a capability.

To simplify completing all compliance processes, identify and collect the required information found in the process_view from the merchant. Multiple compliance processes may ask for the same information from the merchant, such as their Social Security number.

The process_view object in the API response contains all information that needs to be collected to complete all compliance processes. Required information can be found in the required object. The required_corrections object contains the data that needs to be corrected. The required_documents array specifies the documents to be uploaded and includes an upload link for each required document.

Retry data validation

To avoid reaching the data validation limit, monitor the required section of the process_view object for the NEED_MORE_DATA status. Call the PATCH API with the updated data and the self-certification flag to re-trigger data verification.

The number of times data validation can be triggered per non-loginable merchant account (NLM) varies by country:

CountryNumber of attempts

Note: Data validation can't be triggered after the maximum number data validations is reached, and your merchant must be manually verified.