Drop-in UI


Display a saved payment methodanchor

If you pass a customer_id when generating a client token, Drop-in will display that customer's saved payment methods and automatically add any newly-entered payment methods to their Vault record.

If vaulted payment methods exist, this is how they will appear in Drop-in.


Venmo, Google Pay, and Apple Pay payment methods can only be used for existing subscriptions and, therefore, will not be displayed with other vaulted payment methods. Any new transactions or subscriptions should prompt the customer to authorize these payment methods again before using them.

De-select a payment methodanchor

You can programmatically clear the customer's selected payment method with clearSelectedPaymentMethod. This is useful when the transaction fails and you want to show an error message that prompts the customer to select a different payment method. The customer will be presented with a list of other saved payment methods (if applicable) and the option to enter a new payment method.


Clearing the selected payment method does not remove the payment method from the customer's Vault record.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
sendNonceToServer(nonce, function (transactionError, response) {
  if (transactionError) {
    // Clear selected payment method and add a message
    // to the checkout page about the failure.
    errorMessagesDiv.textContent = 'Transaction failed. Please select a different payment method.';
  } else {
    // Success

Delete a saved payment methodanchor

If you authorize Drop-in using client tokens generated with customer_ids, you can also enable customers to remove saved payment methods from their Vault records. To support this functionality, enable Drop-in's Vault Manager:

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  // ...
  vaultManager: true,
  // ...
}, callback);

Drop-in will then display an edit button which launches the Vault Manager.

Drop-in web payment deletion screenshot


We do not recommend enabling Vault Manager if you are using Braintree's recurring billing; doing so would give your customers the ability to delete payment methods associated with subscriptions.

Collect cardholder nameanchor

You can collect the cardholder name as part of the credit card form. This field can be marked as optional or required.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
  container: '#dropin-container',
  card: {
    cardholderName: {
      required: false
      // to make cardholder name required
      // required: true
}, /* ... */);

Premium Fraud Management Toolsanchor

To use Premium Fraud Management Tools for your Drop-in form, you'll need to complete these 3 steps at the same time:

  1. Enable Premium Fraud Management Tools in the Control Panel
  2. Update your client-side integration to collect device data
  3. Update your server-side integration to pass device data on transaction and verification requests

If there is any delay between enabling in the Control Panel and making the code changes, the integration will not work properly. See the Premium Fraud Management Tools guide for more details.


If you choose to automatically vault a customer's new payment method, verifications for those payment methods will not include device data when they are evaluated by our Premium Fraud Management Tools. Subsequent transactions can still pass device data.


Drop-in events allow you to customize your form based on the state of the form and whether or not a payment method is requestable.

  • paymentMethodRequestable fires when a payment method can be retrieved using requestPaymentMethod. The event includes an object that provides the type of payment method (e.g. CreditCard, PayPalAccount, etc.) that is ready to be requested.

For credit cards, this event emits when all the fields meet minimum client side validation. If your Drop-in integration has the postal code field, it will be considered valid after 3 characters (some international postal codes are 3 characters in length). This may cause the event to emit before a customer is finished entering their postal code. We recommend using the event.paymentMethodIsSelected property to determine if it is safe to automatically request the payment method. Otherwise, the customer should be allowed to submit payment information manually.

  • noPaymentMethodRequestable fires when a payment method can no longer be retrieved with requestPaymentMethod.

  • paymentOptionSelected fires when the customer selects a new payment method type (e.g. PayPal, credit card). This event is not emitted when the user changes between existing saved payment methods. Only relevant when accepting multiple payment options.

A common use case for these events includes disabling and enabling your submit button based on the state of the form.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
var submitButton = document.querySelector('#submit-button');

submitButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
  dropinInstance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
    // Send payload.nonce to your server.

if (dropinInstance.isPaymentMethodRequestable()) {
  // This will be true if you generated the client token
  // with a customer ID and there is a saved payment method
  // available to tokenize with that customer.

dropinInstance.on('paymentMethodRequestable', function (event) {
  console.log(event.type); // The type of Payment Method, e.g 'CreditCard', 'PayPalAccount'.
  console.log(event.paymentMethodIsSelected); // True if a customer has selected a payment method when paymentMethodRequestable fires.


dropinInstance.on('noPaymentMethodRequestable', function () {
  submitButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);

Another common use case is to automatically retrieve the payment method nonce as soon as it is available.

For payment methods that have an external flow (e.g. PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.), paymentMethodRequestable fires as soon as the flow is completed. For form based payment methods (e.g. credit cards), paymentMethodRequestable fires when all fields pass client side validation, but the customer may not be ready to submit the form. To assist with this, paymentMethodRequestable includes an event object with a paymentMethodIsSelected property. This will be true when the payment method is presented as selected (such as when finishing an external flow) and false when it is not.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
var submitButton = document.querySelector('#submit-button');

function sendNonceToServer() {
  dropinInstance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
    if (err) {
      // Handle errors

    // Send payload.nonce to your server

// Allows Drop-in to still request the payment method manually,
// such as when filling out a credit card form.
submitButton.addEventListener('click', sendNonceToServer);

dropinInstance.on('paymentMethodRequestable', function (event) {
  if (event.paymentMethodIsSelected) {
    // The customer has completed the flow and we are
    // ready to submit the payment method nonce to the server.

For more examples, see our reference documentation for events.

Customize your UIanchor


Most elements in Drop-in have a data-braintree-id attribute that can be used for applying specific styles. For example, if you wanted to hide the heading that says "Choose a way to pay", you could add the following to your CSS:

  1. css
[data-braintree-id="choose-a-way-to-pay"] {
  display: none;

When updating your version of Drop-in, check to make sure any custom CSS is unaffected by changes. We do not recommend applying styles based on Braintree provided class names because these are subject to change from version to version. These class names start with .braintree-, such as .braintree-dropin.

Field overridesanchor

All override options available in Hosted Fields can also be applied to Drop-in. To change field options, such as a field's placeholder text, add an overrides object to the card section of the create options.

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
  container: '#dropin-container',
  card: {
    overrides: {
      fields: {
        number: {
          placeholder: 'Card Number',
          formatInput: false // Turn off automatic formatting
}, /* ... */);

The overrides object can also be used to alter the styling of card fields with a styles object. You can override styles for all fields of a specific element type (such as input) or individual fields (such as .number), as well as element states (such as :focus or .invalid).

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
  container: '#dropin-container',
  card: {
    overrides: {
      styles: {
        input: {
          color: 'blue',
          'font-size': '18px'
        '.number': {
          'font-family': 'monospace'
          // Custom web fonts are not supported. Only use system installed fonts.
        '.invalid': {
          color: 'red'
}, /* ... */);

See the Hosted Fields reference documentation on field options and style options for more details.

PayPal buttonanchor

To change the PayPal button in Drop-in, pass a buttonStyle object into the paypal options of your create call:

  1. Callback
  2. Promise
  authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
  container: '#dropin-container',
  paypal: {
    flow: 'checkout',
    buttonStyle: {
      color: 'blue',
      shape: 'rect',
      size: 'medium'
}, /* ... */);

See PayPal's developer docs for more details on button customization.

See also