Advanced Optionsanchor

Add * to your Content Security Policy (skip if using Hosted Card Fields)

Configure your Content Security Policyanchor

Content Security Policy is a feature of web browsers that mitigates cross-site scripting and other attacks. By limiting the origins of resources that may be loaded on your page, you can maintain tighter control over any potentially malicious code. While browser support is relatively limited, we recommend considering the implementation of a CSP when available. Include the following directive in your policy:

connect-src: https://* https://* https://* https://*
font-src: https://*
frame-src: https://* https://*
img-src: https://* https://*
script-src: https://* https://* https://*
style-src: unsafe-inline

Also, review Braintree's best practices and troubleshooting guide.

Specify localeanchor

To specify the locale in which the Fastlane components should be rendered, you can set the locale after initializing the fastlane component.

fastlane.setLocale("en_us"); // en_us is the default value

Fastlane supports the following languages:

en_us (default)




Rendering Fastlane Watermark**anchor

There are two ways to recommend Fastlane Watermark :

Watermark without the info iconanchor

Watermark with the info iconanchor
  1. HTML
< !--add a div where the watermark will be rendered -->
   <div id="watermark-container"><img src="<>" /></div>

The image tag in the watermark container div allows the watermark to be rendered instantly.

  1. JavaScript
const fastlaneWatermark = (await fastlane.FastlaneWatermarkComponent({ 
  includeAdditionalInfo: true 
await fastlaneWatermark.render("#watermark-container");

The mouse-over tooltip functionality will be added progressively to the image when the Watermark component completes loading. After it loads, the information is displayed when the User hovers the mouse pointer over the i section

Watermark without the info iconanchor

You can use the following code to render the watermark without the "info" icon:

HTML Sample

  1. HTML
< !--add a div where the watermark will be rendered -->
   <div id="watermark-container"><img src="<>" /></div>

Javascript Sample

  1. JavaScript
const fastlaneWatermark = (await fastlane.FastlaneWatermarkComponent({ 
  includeAdditionalInfo: false 
await fastlaneWatermark.render("#watermark-container");

The image tag in the watermark container div allows the watermark to be rendered instantly.

Optimization: Preload watermark assetsanchor

For a better payer experience of Fastlane, it is recommended to preload the watermark asset by adding the following code to the head section of the page. Even though this is optional, we highly recommend it.

  1. HTML
<link rel="preload" href="" as="image" type="image/avif" />
  <link rel="preload" href="" as="image" type="image/avif" />

Shipping Address Guidelinesanchor

Only supports US addresses:

  • While Fastlane is only available with billing addresses in the US, the shipping address can be any location that your site supports shipping to.

  • For information on how to limit the available shipping addresses, please see the reference types section.

Send a new address in the server-side request :

  • If the payer adds a new address, ensure you can send that address in the server-side request.

Flexible Integration Template

You can use the following code as a reference to implement the flexible integration for the payment. It covers the following:

  1. HTML
<!-- Div container for the Payment Component -->
<div id="card-container"></div>
<div id="selected-card">
  <!-- render selected card here -->
<a href="" id="change-card-link">Change card</a>
<div id="watermark-container">
  <img src "" />
<!-- Submit Button -->
<button id="submit-button">Submit Order</button>
  1. javascript
const name =;
    const shippingAddress = profileData.shippingAddress;
    const card = profileData.card;
    var selectedCardForCheckout = card;

    if (memberAuthenticatedSuccessfully && card) {  // refer to Lookup & Authenticate section for details
     // render the card here
       // render Fastlane watermark
        // render a change button and call profile.showCardSelector() when it is clicked
    } else {
        // User is a guest, failed to authenticate or does not have a card in the profile.
        // render the card fields
        const fastlaneCardComponentOptions = {
        fields: {
            phoneNumber: {
                // Example of how to prefill the phone number field in the FastlaneCardComponent
                prefill: "4026607986"
            cardholderName: {
                // Example of disabling and prefilling the cardholder name field
                prefill: "John Doe",
                enabled: false
        styles: {
            root: {   // specify styles here
                backgroundColorPrimary: "#ffffff"
        const fastlaneCardComponent = await fastlane.FastlaneCardComponent(

        // Handle changes to the card selection
        const changeCardButton = document.getElementById("change-card-button");
        changeCardButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
        const { selectionChanged, selectedCard } = await profile.showCardSelector();
        if (selectionChanged) {
        // selectedCard contains the new card
        // contains the paymentToken
        // selectedCard.paymentSource.card contains more details such as last 4
        selectedCardForCheckout = selectedCard;
        // re-render the selected card UI if required
    } else {
        // selection modal was dismissed without selection

        // Handle form submission
        const submitButton = document.getElementById("submit-button");
        submitButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
            var paymentToken = null;
    //  if the Card Component is rendered, pass the billing address and get the paymentToken
        if (selectedCardForCheckout) {
        paymentToken =;
    } else {
            paymentToken = await fastlaneCardComponent.getPaymentToken({
            billingAddress: {
                cardholderName: "John Doe",
                streetAddress: "2211 North 1st St",
                locality: "San Jose",
                region: "CA",
                postalCode: "95131",
                // you can also use the countryCodeAlpha3 or countryCodeNumeric formats
                countryCodeAlpha2: "US"
        // Send the paymentToken and previously captured device data to server
        // to complete checkout

Recommended Fields for server-side API call

Field name Description Link
device_data An identifier that helps prevent fraud and ensures the highest authorization rates. Link to the documentation
billing The billing object contains fields related to the payer’s billing information. Link to the documentation
customer.firstName The payer’s first name. Link to the documentation
customer.lastName The payer's last name. Link to the documentation The payer’s email address. Link to the documentation

Store pick-up Integrationanchor

If the buyer is picking up an item from a store-front, then the shipping type should be modified accordingly.

Ensure shipping method is set to pickupInStore or shipToStore to ensure that the buyer profiles don’t get created with the address of your store as their shipping address.


  • Transact and Vault:

If you wish to vault the paymentToken returned by the Fastlane SDK at the time of transaction, you can do so by using the store_in_vault_on_success boolean in the request on your server. Please see the Braintree Transaction Sale API request for reference.

  • Vault and transact:

If you wish to vault the paymentToken returned by the Fastlane SDK and transact later, you can do so by using the customer create API request or payment method create API request.

PayPal Members without a Fastlane Profileanchor

PayPal members without a Fastlane profile do not require any additional handling within your integration. Our client SDK handles this use case for you in the following ways:

  • After performing the lookupCustomerByEmail method, we will return a customerContextId as if this were a Fastlane member.

  • Trigger the triggerAuthenticationFlow method, and our SDK will display a call to action to the buyer explaining that he/she can create a Fastlane profile populated with information from his/her PayPal account with one click.

  • If the consumer clicks yes, we will return profileData exactly as we would for a Fastlane member.

  • If the consumer closes the dialog, we will return an empty profileData object and you will handle this as you would any Fastlane guest.