
One-time Paymentsanchor

Pay with PayPal's One-time payments is a one-click solution that accelerates your buyer's checkout experience by skipping manual data entry. Buyers can use PayPal to check out anywhere in their shopping journey.

Unlike Vaulted Payments, One-time payments do not provide the ability to store a customer's PayPal account in the Vault. If you want to store a customer's PayPal account within a Vault during One-time payments, view the Checkout with Vault integration guide.

PayPal's One-time Payments support:

  • Selecting or adding shipping addresses in the PayPal account
  • Selecting or adding funding instruments to the PayPal account
  • Two-factor authentication support (currently only for US, UK, CA, DE, AT, and AU)

Typical use cases for the One-time payments flow:

  • Checkout from Cart or Product pages
  • Checkout page replacement

Invoking the One-time Payments flowanchor

To invoke Express Checkout you must ensure singleUse, amount, and currency are passed in your client options.

  1. HTML
<script type="text/javascript">
braintree.setup('CLIENT-TOKEN-FROM-SERVER', 'custom', {
  paypal: {
    container: 'paypal-container',
    singleUse: true, // Required
    amount: 10.00, // Required
    currency: 'USD', // Required
    locale: 'en_US',
    enableShippingAddress: true,
    shippingAddressOverride: {
      recipientName: 'Scruff McGruff',
      streetAddress: '1234 Main St.',
      extendedAddress: 'Unit 1',
      locality: 'Chicago',
      countryCodeAlpha2: 'US',
      postalCode: '60652',
      region: 'IL',
      phone: '123.456.7890',
      editable: false
  onPaymentMethodReceived: function (obj) {

Use the paypalCheckoutInstance in the onApprove function of the JavaScript SDKsetup method to tokenize the PayPal account. After the customer completes the consent flow and the PayPal pop-up closes, successful tokenization will return a payment method nonce.

Send the nonce to your server and use a Braintree server SDK to call to create a transaction.

See our JavaScript PayPal client reference for more information on the options available in the Checkout with PayPal flow.

Integrating Shipping Moduleanchor

The PayPal shipping module presents shipping details to a buyer during the PayPal flow. The merchant has several ways to determine how shipping addresses and shipping options are handled. The server-side shipping callbacks allow you to update the shipping and order amount information as buyers make changes on the PayPal review page.

Buyers can use the shipping module to specify the shipping address and shipping options on the PayPal paysheet. PayPal sends a callback to the merchant's URL with the updated shipping information (buyer’s address, state, city, country code, and zip code) using the server-side shipping callbacks. In response, the merchant can send PayPal the shipping options and updated order cost amounts.

To include Shipping Module in your integration, set the server side shipping callback URL as shown below. For more information, see the Integration code samples section, below.

Integrating Pass Line-item Detailsanchor

The items a buyer purchases can be passed to PayPal through a request.lineItems request. When a buyer checks out their purchase, PayPal displays these invoice-line-item details (item name, quantity, detailed description, price, etc.) for buyer verification. The details passed to PayPal are presented to the buyer:

  • On the PayPal review page during the Pay with PayPal flow.
  • In the post-purchase email sent to the buyer about their payment transaction.
  • In the buyer's PayPal account Activity > Transactions > All transactions section.

To integrate Pass Line-item Details, set the code as shown below, and for more information, see the Integration code samples section

Integrating Pass Buyer Identifieranchor

To include Pass Buyer Identifier in your integration, set the code as shown below. For more information, see the Integration code samples section below.

  1. javascript
// Add userAuthenticationEmail to createPayment() request options
createPaymentRequestOptions.userAuthenticationEmail = ""

Integrating Pay Now or Continueanchor

You can set User Action to control the message on the PayPal button at the bottom of the PayPal review page. There are two messaging options:

  • Pay Now: The payer will complete the transaction on the PayPal review page.
  • Continue: The payer will return to the merchant site to complete the transaction.

Pay Now

Use Pay Now for most PayPal flows. Pay Now streamlines checkout by using the payer's PayPal account information. For upstream placements (the button appears on the product or cart page), use the Pay Now User Action with the Shipping and Contact Modules to help the payer select shipping and payment details on the PayPal review page. For checkout presentment (button appears at checkout), payers can use PayPal to skip entering payment information. When a payer completes a Pay Now flow, they are returned to the merchant site. There, they will see a confirmation page with details about the transaction.


The Continue setting indicates that the payer will return to the merchant site to complete a transaction. Use this flow if the final amount will change after the payer returns to the merchant site. When the payer returns to the merchant site, they are presented with no more than one additional page to complete the transaction. When they complete a transaction, they see a confirmation page.

To integrate Pay Now or Continue, see the Integration code samples section below.

  1. javascript:v3
// Add commit to loadPayPalSDK options
loadPayPalSDKOptions.commit = false

Integrating App Switchanchor

App Switch enables PayPal users who have a PayPal app installed on their phone to complete payment on the app when it is available.

To integrate App Switch, see the Integration code samples section:

Shipping addressanchor

Shipping addresses may or may not be collected during the Checkout with PayPal flow. However, if you choose to collect shipping addresses yourself, they can be passed along with the your server side Transaction.Sale call. Look at the Server-side page for more information.

Country supportanchor

PayPal is available to merchants in all countries that we support and to customers in 140+ countries.

Currency presentmentanchor

The currency of the transaction is presented to the customer in the Checkout with PayPal flow. We support all currencies that PayPal REST APIs support.

See the server-side section for details on charging a transaction in a specific currency.