

Braintree offers a few options when accepting PayPal payments. Choose whether you would like to use our Drop-in UI or a custom integration. Learn more about Drop-in UI.

Vault vs. Checkout vs. Checkout with Vaultanchor

When adding PayPal to your integration, you can choose between our Vault, Checkout, or Checkout with Vault flows. The Vault flow will save the payment method for later reference, and Checkout is for one-time payments when you do not want to save the payment method. The Checkout with Vault option allows you to do a one-time payment and save the payment method for later in a single flow. Below is a comparison of the three options:

Vault Checkout Checkout with Vault
Compatibility iOS, Android, Web, and supported countries iOS v5 and supported countries >Not supported
Pay Later offers Not supported Supported Not supported
Shipping address selector Supported Supported Not supported
Funding instrument selector Supported Supported Not supported
Recurring billing Supported Not supported Not supported
Customer login Customers must log in once; subsequent payments will not require a login Customers must log in each time they choose to pay with PayPal. Customers must log in once; subsequent payments will not require a login
Device data Must collect and submit device data on non-recurring payments created from the Vault Device data is automatically included with each payment Must collect and submit device data on non-recurring payments created from the Vault

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