The postal code provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
Postal Code does not match (N)
The postal code provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
Postal Code not verified (U)
The card-issuing bank received the postal code but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the postal code.
Postal Code not provided (I)
No postal code was provided.
Street Address matches (M)
The street address provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
Street Address does not match (N)
The street address provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
Street Address not verified (U)
The card-issuing bank received the street address but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the address.
Street Address not provided (I)
No street address was provided.
Issuing bank does not support AVS (S)
AVS information was provided but the card-issuing bank does not participate in address verification. This typically indicates a card-issuing bank outside of the US, Canada, and the UK.
AVS system error (E)
A system error prevented any verification of street address or postal code.
AVS not applicable (A)
AVS information was provided but this type of transaction does not support address verification.
AVS skipped (B)
AVS checks were skipped for this transaction.
CVV matches (M)
The CVV provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
CVV does not match (N)
The CVV provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
CVV is not verified (U)
The card-issuing bank received the CVV, but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the bank declines an authorization before evaluating the CVV.