
Transaction: Update Details

transaction_idrequired, String

The unique transaction identifier. You can only update the details of transactions that have a status of submitted_for_settlement.

Additional Parameters
The updated amount for the transaction. This value must be greater than 0, and must match the currency format of the merchant account.

Dynamic descriptors are not enabled on all accounts by default. If you receive a validation error of 92203 or if your dynamic descriptors are not displaying as expected, please contact us.

Dynamic descriptors are sent on a per-transaction basis and define what will appear on your customers' credit card statements for a specific purchase. The clearer the description of your product, the less likely customers will issue chargebacks due to confusion or non-recognition.

See the dynamic descriptor example for additional information.

The value in the business name field of a customer's statement. Company name/DBA section must be either 3, 7, or 12 characters and the product descriptor can be up to 18, 14, or 9 characters respectively (with an * in between for a total descriptor name of 22 characters).
The value in the phone number field of a customer's statement. Phone must be 10-14 characters and can only contain numbers, hyphens and parentheses.
The value in the URL/web address field of a customer's statement. The URL must be 13 characters or shorter.
Use this field to pass additional information about the transaction. On PayPal transactions, this field maps to the PayPal invoice number. PayPal invoice numbers must be unique in your PayPal business account. Maximum 255 characters or 127 for PayPal transactions.
Customer request information. Sent to processor to help verify transaction integrity.
The User Agent field provided by the customer. 255 characters maximum.
The customer's IP address.