ACH Direct Debit


Merchants can integrate with ACH Direct Debit on the client-side using our JavaScript v3 SDK. It is currently not available in our Drop-in UI

ACH Direct Debit is a payment method that runs on the ACH (Automated Clearing House) network in the United States. It allows customers to pay for transactions by debiting directly from their bank account, as opposed to processing through a card brand.

At a high level, accepting ACH payments consists of four concepts:

  • Tokenizing
  • Vaulting
  • Verifying
  • Transacting

Depending on how you wish to verify your customer's bank account, these concepts will overlap in different ways.


Tokenizing is the process of exchanging raw payment information for a secure, single-use payment method ID.

Tokenizing without verificationAnchorIcon

You can tokenize a bank account by collecting a customer's bank details, including account and routing numbers. However, this will not verify the bank account, and the resulting payment method will not be transactable. Before you can create a transaction, you will need to store the tokenized bank account information in your Vault, and then verify it.

To tokenize an US bank account, use the tokenizeUsBankAccount mutation. Make sure to provide the bank account details in the usBankAccount input field:

  1. Mutation
mutation TokenizeUsBankAccount($input: TokenizeUsBankAccountInput!) {
  tokenizeUsBankAccount(input: $input) {
    paymentMethod {
      details {
        ... on UsBankAccountDetails {
          achMandate {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "usBankAccount": {
      "routingNumber": "a_routing_number",
      "accountNumber": "an_account_number",
      "accountType": "CHECKING",
      "achMandate": "I agree to give away all my money",
      "individualOwner": { "firstName": "Busy", "lastName": "Bee" },
      "billingAddress": {
        "streetAddress": "111 Main St",
        "extendedAddress": "#7",
        "city": "San Jose",
        "state": "CA",
        "zipCode": "94085"
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "tokenizeUsBankAccount": {
      "paymentMethod": {
        "id": "id_of_payment_method",
        "usage": "SINGLE_USE",
        "createdAt": "created_at_date",
        "details": {
          "accountholderName": "Busy Bee",
          "accountType": "CHECKING",
          "bankName": "name_of_bank",
          "last4": "last_4_digits_of_an_account_number",
          "routingNumber": "a_routing_number",
          "verified": false,
          "achMandate": null
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }


Vaulting is the process of exchanging a single-use payment method ID for a multi-use payment method ID. For our ACH integration, vaulting includes the following verification options:

Vaulting with verificationAnchorIcon

When vaulting a bank account, you can choose to specify a verification method. This creates a vaulted payment method and initiates a verification in a single step. If the verification fails, you can keep retrying verifications on the same payment method. A vaulted payment method will only be transactable once it has had a successful verification.

To vault an ACH payment method, use the vaultUsBankAccount mutation. Provide the VaultPaymentMethodInput input field with at least a single-use ACH paymentMethodId. Optionally, you can also provide a verificationMethod which specifies the way in which you want the given bank account verified.

  1. Mutation
mutation VaultUsBankAccount($input: VaultUsBankAccountInput!) {
  vaultUsBankAccount(input: $input) {
    paymentMethod {
      details {
        ... on UsBankAccountDetails {
          achMandate {
    verification {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "paymentMethodId": "id_of_payment_method",
    "verificationMerchantAccountId": "id_of_merchant_account",
    "verificationMethod": "MICRO_TRANSFERS"
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "vaultUsBankAccount": {
      "paymentMethod": {
        "id": "id_of_payment_method",
        "legacyId": "legacy_id_of_payment_method",
        "details": {
          "accountholderName": "Busy Bee",
          "accountType": "CHECKING",
          "bankName": "name_of_bank",
          "last4": "3210",
          "routingNumber": "a_routing_number",
          "verified": false,
          "achMandate": {
            "acceptedAt": "accepted_at_date",
            "acceptanceText": "I agree to        give away all my money"
      "verification": { "id": "id_of_verification", "status": "PENDING" }
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Vaulting without verificationAnchorIcon

You can also vault a bank account without specifying a verification method. This will vault the payment method as usual, but no verification will be attempted. As stated above, this payment method will not be transactable until it has a subsequent successful verification. If you prefer to perform verification on your own, the verificationMethod should be set as INDEPENDENT_CHECK.


Braintree’s ACH Direct Debit integration offers several methods for verifying that the customer owns the bank account they provide to you for payment:

  • Network check – instantly verifies the bank account details using bank account and routing number. Personal/business information verification can be requested additionally with verification add ons.
  • Micro-transfers – issues two separate credits of less than a dollar each to the customer’s bank account and requires the customer to confirm the exact amounts once they’re visible in the account
  • Independent check – allows you to use your own verification method that’s not listed above and manually mark payment methods as verified

You can use any combination of these methods in order to meet your business needs. For example, one recommended flow is to use network check as an initial verification method with micro-transfers as a backup option.

Verifying with network checkAnchorIcon

To verify an US bank account, use the verifyUsBankAccount mutation.Provide the VerifyUsBankAccountInput a paymentMethodId and verificationMethod at the minumum.

  1. Mutation
mutation VerifyUsBankAccount($input: VerifyUsBankAccountInput!) {
  verifyUsBankAccount(input: $input) {
    verification {
      paymentMethod {
      processorResponse {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "paymentMethodId": "id_of_payment_method",
    "verificationMethod": "NETWORK_CHECK",
    "verificationAddOns": ["CUSTOMER_VERIFICATION"] // this is optional
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "verifyUsBankAccount": {
      "verification": {
        "id": "id_of_verification",
        "legacyId": "legacy_id_of_verification",
        "status": "VERIFIED",
        "merchantAccountId": "id_of_merchant_account",
        "createdAt": "created_at_date",
        "gatewayRejectionReason": null,
        "paymentMethod": { "id": "id_of_payment_method" },
        "processorResponse": { "legacyCode": "1000", "message": "Approved" }
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Verifying with Micro-depositAnchorIcon

If you inputed MICRO_TRANSFERS as your verificationMethod on the vaultUsBankAccount call, you’ll need to collect the micro-deposit amounts entered by the customer in your own UI and pass them to Braintree in a separate call.

To complete the verification process for a US bank account via micro-transfer, use the confirmMicroTransferAmounts mutation. Provide ConfirmMicroTransferAmountsInput with a verificationId and the previously collected amountInCents at the minimum.

  1. Mutation
mutation ConfirmMicroTransferAmounts(
  $input: ConfirmMicroTransferAmountsInput!
) {
  confirmMicroTransferAmounts(input: $input) {
    verification {
      paymentMethod {
      processorResponse {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "verificationId": "id_of_verification",
    "amountsInCents": [17, 44]
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "confirmMicroTransferAmounts": {
      "verification": {
        "id": "id_of_verification",
        "paymentMethod": { "id": "id_of_payment_method", "usage": "MULTI_USE" },
        "merchantAccountId": "id_of_merchant_account",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "processorResponse": { "message": "Approved" }
    "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Checking verification statusAnchorIcon

To check for successful verification, you should examine the message field of the VerificationProcessorResponse returned by verifyUsBankAccount and look for "Approved". If verification has failed, some other message will be returned, such as "Processor Network Unavailable - Try Again".

You can also request additionalInformation under processorResponse and depending on the type of processor failure, it will return details about the error. For example, it may say "Invalid routing number" or "Invalid account type".

Looking up individual verification statusAnchorIcon

This step is required when using the micro-transfers method.

After successfully confirming micro-deposit amounts, the bank account may be ready for transacting, still waiting for transfers to settle, or may eventually report that settlement failed. You can periodically check the state of a verification with its id like so:

  1. GraphQL
query ($input: VerificationSearchInput!) {
  search {
    verifications(input: $input) {
      edges {
        node {
  1. Variables
{ "input": { "id": { "is": "id_of_verification" } } }
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "search": {
      "verifications": {
        "edges": [
          { "node": { "id": "id_of_verification", "status": "VERIFIED" } }
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Retrying verificationAnchorIcon

Sometimes verification will fail. You can retry verification by sending the the previous request again or using the previous request with a different verificationMethod. For example, if NETWORKCHECK was used and it failed with the message "No Data Found - Try Another Verification Method", you can retry withMICRO_TRANSFERS as an alternative.

Creating TransactionsAnchorIcon

From multi-use payment methodsAnchorIcon

This step is applicable to all verification methods.

You will receive a multi-use payment method id when you successfully call vaultUsBankAccount using a single-use payment method created from tokenizeUsBankAccount. You can use the multi-use payment method id to charge the account using chargeUsBankAccount once the payment method is verified.

Collect device data from the client and include the collected client device data via the deviceData parameter inside riskData. Doing so will help reduce decline rates. Below includes an example call using device data:

  1. Mutation
mutation ChargeUsBankAccount($input: ChargeUsBankAccountInput!) {
  chargeUsBankAccount(input: $input) {
    transaction {
      amount {
      paymentMethodSnapshot {
        ... on UsBankAccountDetails {
  1. Variables
  "input": {
    "paymentMethodId": "id_of_payment_method",
    "transaction": {
      "amount": "10.00",
      "orderId": "id_of_order",
      "riskData": {
        "customerBrowser": "web_browser_type",
        "customerIp": "ip_address",
        "deviceData": "device_type"
  1. Response
  "data": {
    "chargeUsBankAccount": {
      "transaction": {
        "id": "id_of_transaction",
        "amount": { "value": "10.00" },
        "paymentMethodSnapshot": {
          "accountholderName": "Busy Bee",
          "accountType": "CHECKING",
          "verified": false
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

Common errorsAnchorIcon

Note that each tokenized single-use payment method ID can only be vaulted once. If you attempt to vault the same single-use payment method ID more than once, you will get the following error.

  1. JSON
  "errors": [
      "message": "Cannot use a single-use payment method more than once.",
      "locations": [{ "line": 2, "column": 3 }],
      "path": ["vaultUsBankAccount"],
      "extensions": {
        "errorClass": "VALIDATION",
        "errorType": "user_error",
        "inputPath": ["input", "paymentMethodId"],
        "legacyCode": "93107"
  "data": { "vaultUsBankAccount": null },
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }

If you do not provide verificationMethod in the inputs, you will get the following error.

  1. JSON
  "errors": [
      "message": "Variable 'input' has an invalid value: Field 'verificationMethod'        has coerced Null value for NonNull type 'UsBankAccountVerificationMethod!'",
      "locations": [{ "line": 1, "column": 29 }]
  "extensions": { "requestId": "a-uuid-for-the-request" }