Fraud Tools



Braintree’s fraud tools may not be enabled on your account by default. After determining which tools are best for your business, you can enable them if they are not already enabled or create new rules in the Control Panel.

Braintree’s fraud tools constantly analyze customer data and purchase behavior to catch the transactions most likely to lead to fraud. The two types of fraud we see most often are:

  1. A stolen card being used to purchase goods
  2. Carding attacks where a fraudster runs multiple stolen cards to determine their validity

These situations can result in lost revenue in the form of high chargebacks, higher card association fees, and lost physical goods. Braintree's fraud tools utilize advanced technology to assess each transaction's likelihood of being fraudulent.

Fraud tool comparisonanchor

There are two levels of fraud protection available to our merchants: Basic Fraud Tools and Premium Fraud Management Tools. For our Premium Fraud Management Tools, we provide both Fraud Protection and Fraud Protection Advanced integrations.

Basic Fraud Tools Premium Fraud Management Tools
Risk ThresholdsAddress Verification Checks (AVS)Card Verification Value Checks (CVV)Fraud ProtectionFraud Protection Advanced
Risk rules used to detect fraudCustomized velocity checks Select all or part of addresses to verify Select if you want to verify card data Fixed set of rules including geolocation and device information Customizable set of rules that you can create and manage
Additional featuresNone None None None Review transactions and receive webhooks
Code changesNone Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal
Available toAll merchants All merchants All merchants All merchants All merchants
Additional feesNo No No No* Yes
*Depending on your pricing model, there may be additional fees associated with Fraud Protection. Contact us for more information.

Searching for rejected transactionsanchor

All transaction and verification requests identified as fraudulent will be rejected before we send information to the processor. These requests will have a status of Gateway Rejected and one of the following corresponding Gateway Rejection Reasons to define the type of fraud suspected:

  • AVS – rejected due to AVS and CVV rules
  • CVV – rejected due to AVS and CVV rules
  • Fraud – rejected due to Premium Fraud Management Tools
  • Risk Threshold Exceeded - rejected due to risk threshold rules

You can search transactions or verifications to identify whether a request was rejected by Basic or Premium Fraud Management Tools:

  1. Log into the Control Panel
  2. Click on either Transactions or Vault (for verifications) in the top navigation
    • If you're searching for verifications, you'll then need to click on the Verifications tab from the Vault page
  3. Scroll to the search section
  4. Under Status, leave only the box next to Gateway Rejected selected
  5. Choose your desired date range
  6. Click Search
  7. Click the Download button at the top of the page
  8. Open the CSV file in the spreadsheet program of your choice, and filter the data by the Gateway Rejection Reason column

While we do monitor rejection rates, please contact us if you feel like you are seeing an abnormal number of gateway rejections for fraud.