Level 2 and 3 Processing


The advanced credit card processing levels such as Level 2 and Level 3 can help you qualify for lower interchange rates on transactions made with certain Visa and Mastercard corporate and purchasing cards.

To qualify for Level 2, you must pass specific data in credit card transactions. To qualify for Level 3, you must pass specific line item data and additional information when creating sale transactions. Braintree passes these details to the card networks, which report them to the business cardholders to help them monitor spending.

This guide explains how to pass the required fields to qualify for Level 2 and 3 processing. For a complete list of the required fields for each level, see the Required Fields page.

Merchant requirementsanchor

Level 2 and Level 3 processing are available to US merchants who have a Tax ID, and EU and UK merchants who have a VAT ID linked to their Braintree accounts. To ensure that your merchant account includes your Tax ID or VAT ID and that your Merchant Category Code (MCC) qualifies for reduced interchange rates, contact us.

For more details on availability and appropriate business use cases, refer to your bank-specific support articles or contact us.

Next Page: Required Fields