Set Up Your Client
The Braintree JavaScript SDK has several ways for you to collect customer payment information. The easiest way to get up and running is via the Drop-in UI. For other integrations, please see the JS SDK Overview.
Add Drop-in to your page:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Step one: add an empty container to your page -->
<div id="dropin-container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// call 'braintree.dropin.create' code here
- Callback
- Promise
// Step two: create a dropin instance using that container (or a string
// that functions as a query selector such as '#dropin-container')
container: document.getElementById('dropin-container'),
// remaining configuration
}, (error, dropinInstance) => {
// Use 'dropinInstance' here
// Methods documented at
Get a client token
To start up, Braintree.js needs a client token generated by your Braintree server SDK. To see how to generate one, please follow Simple Server (the next page) until you've completed the Generate a client token section.
Once you've generated a client token, embed it into your template.
- Callback
- Promise
// Step three: get client token from your server, such as via
// templates or async http request
container: '#dropin-container'
}, (error, dropinInstance) => {
// Use 'dropinInstance' here
// Methods documented at
There are a number of ways to get your client token into JavaScript so you can set up Braintree. Many people choose to interpolate the client token into the HTML/JavaScript itself; alternatively, you could load the client token from an AJAX call to an exposed client token URL on your server.
Test your integration
Create a sandbox account
If you haven't already, sign up for a free Braintree sandbox account:
Sign Up for a Braintree Sandbox AccountLog in to obtain your sandbox API credentials. You'll need your:
- Sandbox merchant ID
- Public key
- Private key
Use these credentials for your development and testing.
Test values
When testing in the sandbox, be sure to use our test card numbers (e.g. 4111111111111111
) and
nonces (e.g. fake-valid-nonce
). Real payment method data will not work in the sandbox. See our
Testing page for more details.
Send payment method nonce to server
A Braintree client-side integration sends payment information – like a credit card or a PayPal authorization – to Braintree in exchange for a payment method nonce, a one time use value that represents that payment method.
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<form id="payment-form" action="/route/on/your/server" method="post">
<!-- Putting the empty container you plan to pass to
'braintree.dropin.create' inside a form will make layout and flow
easier to manage -->
<div id="dropin-container"></div>
<input type="submit" />
<input type="hidden" id="nonce" name="payment_method_nonce" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// call braintree.dropin.create code here
- Callback
- Promise
const form = document.getElementById('payment-form');
authorization: 'CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION',
container: '#dropin-container'
}, (error, dropinInstance) => {
if (error) console.error(error);
form.addEventListener('submit', event => {
dropinInstance.requestPaymentMethod((error, payload) => {
if (error) console.error(error);
// Step four: when the user is ready to complete their
// transaction, use the dropinInstance to get a payment
// method nonce for the user's selected payment method, then add
// it a the hidden field before submitting the complete form to
// a server-side integration
document.getElementById('nonce').value = payload.nonce;
On your server, use a payment method nonce with a Braintree server SDK to charge a card or update a customer's payment methods.
world.greeted = true
At this point, you should have a working client-side checkout flow. When your user provides payment information, you receive a payment method nonce and send it to your server.
Next, your server closes the loop by using the payment method nonce to create a transaction.
Next Page: Simple Server →